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Season sky

The sky is no longer changing. The sky of each season also has different colors, different tastes, and different moods. The scenery under the sky is different. The changes in the season not only bring changes in the sky, but also bring different scenery and different moods. The sky of the season we enjoy, the world is different because of the changing seasons, and the world is beautiful because of the difference. Do you like the changing seasons?

The breeze blew in, the sky was filled with clouds, and it felt like lying in the arms of the mother. The earth pulled out a green bud, and the fruit trees on the mountain blossomed out of the petals. The sun was warm and warm, and a lively vitality brought to the earth. Everywhere is filled with joy. Under the warm sky, warm spring brings a warm feeling. This kind of spring is what I am longing for, and it is the most beautiful and happiest mood in my impression.

After the spring leaves, the summer will come quietly. The fiery sun burns the skin with every radiant glow, and the blue sky is only a few clouds floating. The earth has become a big oven, very hot. But we are not afraid, carrying a small bucket, holding a fishing rod, and swaying to the creek. The shelled shrimps are attached to the gills to experience the taste of fishing in the shade. Come to the shrimp competition, it is much better than one. It will be better if you feel bad here. The stream is very clear, and the small fish and shrimp are clearly seen. You see a group of small fish swimming in front, the little shrimp crawling out of the stone to the bait, and the red pliers of the prawns caught the bait, hey, hook it! The coins on the creek also swayed, and the stars were thrown into the water, cast on the stones, and cast them on us. As the sun sets, the heat is gradually receding, and we are all accompanied by our homes. It’s not just those shrimps that are brought back...

A little bit of summer heat is a bit cool, and the coolness of autumn replaces the summer heat of summer. Autumn is a poet, and the places she walked were full of poetry. With a wave of her sleeves, the clouds changed, floating in the air with a touch of sadness. The birds also learned her poetry and did not forget to put a few glyphs when they migrated. The sky was also infected, and the faint blue image was just washed out with tears. The beauty of autumn is a kind of beautiful beauty, like watching ink painting, oh. There is joy in the autumn, and every smile is from the heart. When the fruit in the orchard is ripe, the orchard uncle laughs. When the wheat in the field matured, the peasant uncle laughed and opened the flower. When the chrysanthemums bloomed in the park, the flower-seekers showed a smile. Autumn is far more than these...

Winter, like a weird old man, whoever provokes him, he screams and blows the wind, so that you dare not go out. Sometimes he is depressed, and the snow flutters makes the whole world white. The playful people are wearing gloves to play in the snow, snowballing, snowball fights, snowmen, bird catching, ice skating... have fun. When he was happy, he showed a bright smile and made people feel a little warm. So if you ask me if I like winter, I don't know what to say. I like him because of his eccentricity. I don't like him. It is also because of his eccentricity. Is it contradictory?

I have been through the fourteenth year in the footsteps of the four seasons. The scene is floating in front of you, each season has different memories and different environments. Everything around is changing, just like the sky. In the blink of an eye is another sky of the season. Life is no different.

Zhejiang Zhoushan Zhejiang Zhoushan Dinghai Mingzhu Middle School Junior Three: 潞汐

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