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Huangguoshu Waterfall is located on the Baishui River in the western plateau of Guizhou. It is the largest waterfall in China and one of the most famous waterfalls in the world. It has attracted many Chinese and foreign scholars and tourists.

On July 27, my mother accompanied the comrades of Chongqing Steel Factory to Huangguoshu Waterfall and took me and my sister. We sat in the factory car and passed through the bustling city, and the car drove to the road in the suburbs. At this time, my heart has already flown to Huangguoshu Waterfall Park, which is thought of by the night. "Come on, it's over!" The people in the car cheered and my sister and I were happy to dance. "啪", the car door opened, we quickly got out of the car, bought tickets, and hurriedly walked to the park. The first thing that caught your eye was a pavilion standing on the cliff. This pavilion is classical, elegant and rich in ethnic characteristics. The center of the pavilion is engraved with three large characters; On the two sides of the pavilion is a pair of couplets. The upper line is "white water, such as cotton, without the use of bows and flowers," and the lower line is "the red glow is like a brocade." At this time, an uncle standing next to me said with excitement: "It’s wonderful. Watching the waterfall pavilion must be the best angle to watch the waterfall!" Then we walked down the stone path and went about a hundred. Steps, you come to the tea room located in the lush forest. It is two stories high, just opposite the waterfall. From the tea house to the waterfall, there are more than a thousand steps, one step and one scene, pine green bamboo green, the tits contend, and the rhyme into the rhyme makes the visitors feel happy. There are street girls selling bananas, yellow fruits and oranges on the roadside, as well as individual photographers who specialize in photography for tourists.

Before we came to the waterfall, we took a closer look at the magnificent style. You see, there is a majestic waterfall between the two trees. The water that flies sharply, rushing down, like a wild horse roaring like a galloping roaring horse, like a mythical fairy wearing a silver gauze, under the illumination of the sun, dazzling. At this time, I can't help but think of the poem written by Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, that "the fly flow is three thousand feet, and the suspect is that the Milky Way falls for nine days."

There is a pool under the waterfall called Rhinoceros. The deep waters of the lake, the waterfalls of the rushing, plunged into the pool from the cliffs of tens of meters high, igniting a sparkling spray and rolling up a whirlpool. The roaring sound of the water is deafening, and the splashing water drops on all sides, like? ? Hey? Drumstick? Resignation gardener

"Let's go to the water curtain hole!" Mom said to everyone. "Where is the water curtain hole?" I asked. Mother pointed to a hole in the middle of the waterfall. After a while, we came to the cave, and with curiosity, I followed the hole and the hole was very wet. The top of the high hole is covered with small drops of water. Water drops fall on my head from time to time, hiding can not hide. We continued along the narrow path of the hole, and suddenly saw a stream of water flowing straight down from the hole in front of it, like a crystal curtain. At this time, I suddenly realized that this is not a water curtain hole?

I look up to the majestic waterfall and feel the majesty of the mountains and rivers of the motherland.

Third day: 2759655467

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