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my hometown

I have a hometown that makes me feel proud. It is very ordinary. I am proud of it. It is not as majestic as the Great Wall, not as beautiful as Guilin, an ordinary small village that can no longer be ordinary!

In spring, the earth has recovered, the flowers gradually emerged from the tiny buds, and the trees gradually emerged from the buds. It seems to tell me that it is coming, the peasant uncle is busy, I can feel the arrival of spring, it Getting closer and closer to me.

In the summer, the flowers are open to the public, and the big trees are put on a green coat. Of course, the peasant uncle is more busy, sowing and fertilizing, everything is indispensable, and we just ran to the river to play, we can't help anything, only Playing is the nature of our children.

Autumn, the autumn wind sweeps the leaves, my favorite is this season, because when I arrive this season, I will remember the time of my childhood, I have to make something that has not happened, I have to do this every time. Happy to spend one of my favorite seasons.

In the winter, a layer of ice was formed on the river, and my friends and I went to the river to play. The earth was covered with a layer of silver, as if it was covered with a blanket, it was beautiful!

This is my hometown, welcome to be a guest, ordinary ordinary villages that can no longer be ordinary!

The first day: Dai Yuhan

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