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Beautiful spring

Beautiful spring

Looking forward to, looking forward to, the spring girl walked into the world with a light footstep, and everything was awakened.

The message of the earth's awakening has let the spring breeze spread throughout the wilderness. In an instant, the stream began to sing, as if to sing for the arrival of the spring girl, to sing the beauty of nature; in an instant, the birds and flowers are filled with nature, and the spring girl also embroidered flowers for this nature. The beautiful flowers, in the spring breeze, infinite temptation, so that the butterfly flying on it. The unmelted ice and snow in the distant mountains shimmer in the sunlight, like white jade; the birds flying in the sky screamed loudly, adding to the excitement and beauty of this spring.

"Drip, answer, ticking..." The spring rain fell on the ground, and the sound of spring silkworm chewing mulberry leaves. The warm and melted rain silk is like a string of pearls. It is like a spring girl's whip. It beats the shadow of winter and drives away the chill of the stagnation, bringing vitality to the earth. I can't help but think of Du Fu's "Spring Rain": "Good rain knows the season, when spring happens. With the wind sneak into the night, the moist things are silent." Since ancient times, how many poets praised the spring rain and praised the spring!

The tall sycamore tree extracts new branches, and the young green saplings spit out new shoots. The willow girl is brushing her slender green scorpion. The grass is like a group of lively and lovely children. Naughty and sneak out of a pointed head, curiously looking at this beautiful world, tender and green, a large piece full of, like a green blanket. The colorful flowers are full of enthusiasm, the red azaleas are like burning flames; the pink peach blossoms are like the beautiful morning glow; the white pears are like the snow under the moon, the charming petals sparkle in the sunshine with beautiful brilliance. The butterfly flies freely, and then browses in the garden for a while, stopping for the honey and resting on the flowers. The bee flew "嗡嗡" and stopped on a flower, motionless, like a small hair ball with golden light.

The spring lake is green, like an innocent jade, with a beautiful luster; the lake is quiet, like a mirror, clearly reflecting red flowers, green trees, blue sky, white clouds...

I lay on the grass, looking at the various white clouds, some like the galloping horses; some like beautiful girls, playing with beautiful dances; some like sleeping pigs snoring... the spring breeze is like Mom's soft hand is stroking your face, making you feel more comfortable.

what! Spring is beautiful! I love spring!

Changchun Furong Middle School, Furong District, Changsha, Hunan, China: Butterfly Love Flower 2013

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