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Taiwan day trip

Taiwan day trip

Looking down on the land of China, on the vast seas southeast of the motherland, there is an island shaped like banana leaves, which is extraordinarily green, that is, the treasure island of the motherland - Taiwan. Today, our whole family came to Taiwan and came to Taiwan, the treasure island of the motherland. We arrived at the hotel and set off our luggage today after we left our luggage. It is still in the morning, the birds are fragrant, and we come to Sun Moon Lake along with the beautiful scenery. Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake has a beautiful scenery and picturesque scenery. It is the largest lake in Taiwan Province of China. It is on a high mountain near Taichung, surrounded by mountains and lush trees, surrounded by many places of interest. Sun Moon Lake is very deep, the lake is green, there is a small island in the center of the lake, called Guanghua Island, the island divides the lake into two halves, the north is like a round sun, called the sun pool; the south is like a curved moon, called the moon pool. We were immersed in the beauty of Sun Moon Lake, and we arrived at noon without knowing it. At noon, the sun is shining, and the beauty of the Sun Moon Lake and the surrounding buildings are clearly visible. At this time, the sky was drizzling, and the Sun Moon Lake seemed to be covered with gauze, and the surrounding scenery was awkward, like a fairyland in a fairy tale. In the afternoon, we came to the famous Alishan. The five wonders of Alishan are: sunrise, sea of ​​clouds, sunset, forest, mountain train. We drove along the Xinzhongheng Highway and headed for Alishan. The more you go up, the more lush the trees are. So many leaves, one cluster piled on top of the other cluster, leaving no gaps. The green color, brightly shining on my eyes, seems to have a new life on every green leaf. We have been immersed in the beauty of Alishan, and we arrived at the evening without knowing it. We reluctantly returned to the hotel. Ah, beautiful Taiwan, I love you!

First day: Stars follow the line

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