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My grandma

Some people say: "Friendship is the most beautiful thing in the world." I don't object, but I think that there are family things in the world. Speaking of family. I thought of my grandmother again. She is very thin and not tall. Her hair is half-white because she has weathered the weather. Look at her hand again: black, finger bones, leather bag The bones, even seemingly scary, but her rough hands, the amount of work done is countless. In my childhood memories, Grandma is very similar to the grandmother of the protagonist in "Childhood". She is kind, kind, intelligent, capable, and loves life, and has tolerance for anyone. With a broad mind of the saints. She illuminates my young heart like a bright light. She often talks about pity the poor and the weak, and sings the justice and bright folk stories to me. Although my grandmother has not read a few years of books, the ligature does not know a few, but in my heart, she is very tall.

I remember when I was a child, my grandmother often looked at me. I often spoiled me because I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t obey, but my grandmother always swears at me, doesn’t let me cry, and remembers that I often snuggle in my grandmother’s arms: She said songs for me, and some of my children's songs have been forgotten, but the joy of childhood is not forgotten for a long time. She taught me that being a person should be kind, and that things can't be reconciled.

Let’s take a look at Grandma’s home. Although simple, it’s very clean and tidy. These are all grandmother’s packs when they are free, but when I go to my grandmother’s house, I’m always swaying, and the house will soon become a mess. Grandma is never angry. Although she calls me a "little man", I know that she always loves me. Treat me, she never said a "no" word, no matter how harsh my conditions, she will always try to fulfill my wishes; for me to see tofu, pick up the bean dregs for me on a snowy day; for me On the episode, I watched the excitement. She snorted straight and frozen; for the sake of me not freezing her hands, she went to the heavy snow to find dry firewood; for me...

what! My grandmother, everything you have done is for me, I really love you from my heart, love my hardworking, kind grandmother!

First day: heart

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