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[Boutique] Railway workers joining the party application

This article directory 1 railway workers joining the party application 2 railway workers joining the party application 3 railway workers joining the party application 1: railway workers joining the party application

Dear party organization:

I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's charter, fulfill party members' obligations, implement party decisions, strictly observe party discipline, preserve party secrets, be loyal to the party, work actively, and strive for communism for life. Dedicating everything to the party and the people will never betray the party.

The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the faithful representative of the interests of all Chinese people, and the core of the leadership of China's socialist cause. The ultimate goal of the party is to realize the social system of communism. Under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, the Communist Party of China led the people through the long-term revolutionary struggle against imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism, and won the victory of the new-democratic revolution and the people's democratic dictatorship of the People's Republic of China; After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he successfully entered the socialist transformation, completed the transition from new democracy to socialism, established the socialist system, and developed the socialist economy, politics, and culture.

The reason why I want to join the Communist Party of China is because the Communist Party of China leads the people to develop socialist democracy, improve the socialist legal system, and consolidate the people's democratic dictatorship. Adhere to the system of the people's congress and adhere to the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the Communist Party. Actively support the people to be the masters of the country and effectively guarantee the people's right to manage state affairs and social affairs, and manage economic and cultural undertakings. Open up the road and establish a system and program for democratic decision-making and democratic supervision. Strengthen national legislation and law enforcement, so that the country's work will gradually embark on the track of legalization. Strengthen the comprehensive management of public security and maintain long-term social stability. We must have a firm belief in the struggle for communism and socialism with Chinese characteristics for life. The party’s highest ideal and ultimate goal is to achieve communism. Serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental purpose of the party, the fundamental symbol of the proletarian party's differentiation from other political parties, and the code of conduct for each party member. Our party is the party that represents the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. The party's entire task and responsibility is to work for the interests of the people, unite and lead the people to fight for their own interests.

Although I am not a Communist Party member at the moment, I always ask myself for the standards of party members. As an ordinary employee, all my colleagues and I are obeying the law, obeying the leadership, obeying the command, conscientiously, fulfilling our duties, keeping in mind the quality-oriented principle, strengthening the work on the basis of previous work, and opening up new ideas. The quality of the sanitation of the entire town has been further improved, and the tasks assigned by the superiors have been satisfactorily completed in all work.

** is a special industry, ** workers are the town's beautician, taking on the mission of cleaning the town and purifying the environment. In the previous work, all the staff of the sanitation and sanitation office actively carried out their work, dedication and dedication, and achieved gratifying results, so that the environmental sanitation of the town has been maintained at a good level, and the work has gradually embarked on standardization and system. Chemical. In the future, I am determined to work together with all the colleagues of the Institute under the correct leadership and support of my superiors, to unite and continue to carry forward the special hardships of sanitation workers, especially the good style of fighting, good traditions and prefer one person to be dirty. The spirit of cleanliness constantly stimulates the vitality of the industry and promotes the reform and development of the industry, making a due contribution to improving the environmental sanitation of the town and improving the health of the people in the town.

I am currently an ordinary sanitation worker, but I am a Chinese. As a Chinese, we must focus on the interests of the motherland and the interests of the people. The party always puts the interests of the people first. We will share the same ties with the people and maintain the closest connection. We will not allow any party members to leave the people and be above the people. The party implements the popular line in its own work. All for the people, all rely on the people, from the people, to the people, and turn the party’s correct ideas into the conscious actions of the people. As a young man, I will never forget these teachings. As long as the party and the people need it, I will dedicate everything to me! I firmly support the Chinese Communist Party, abide by Chinese laws and regulations, oppose splitting the motherland, safeguard the motherland's reunification, earnestly implement the party's basic line, various policies and policies, and drive the people. Struggling for economic development and social progress, and playing a vanguard role in production, work, study and social life. Do not insult the motherland, do not sell their own country, strictly protect the secrets of the party and the state, implement the party's decision, obey the organization's distribution, and actively complete the party's tasks. Do not engage in feudal superstitious activities, earnestly study the party's line, principles, policies, and resolutions, learn the party's basic knowledge, learn science, culture, and business knowledge, and strive to improve the ability to serve the people.

In the future, I will use the standards of party members to strictly demand myself, consciously accept the help and supervision of party members and the public, and follow the example of outstanding Communist Party members to try to overcome their shortcomings and shortcomings. If the party organization can approve my request. If I can't be accepted by the party organization for the time being, I hope that the party organization can demand me more strictly in the future. At the same time, I will use my party members' standards to demand myself, try to overcome the shortcomings, and strive to join the party organization as soon as possible.



Part 2: Application for Railway Workers to Join the Party

Dear party organization:

I voluntarily joined the Communist Party of China and are willing to contribute to the cause of communism for life.

Today is the second time I have submitted an application for membership to the party organization, but when I say this, my heart is still passionate. In college, I had received education from the party school and submitted an application for membership. However, my thoughts at that time were not strong enough. I felt that I still had too many deficiencies, so I did not persist. However, after a year of study and growth, my understanding of the party organization has become more profound, and the yearning for the party organization has become more urgent. This prompted me to submit the application for joining the party to the party organization again.

Our young generation, who grew up in New China, has a close relationship with the party's care at every step of our growth. From the hour on, the glorious image of the party is firmly engraved in my heart and inspires me to move forward. During the study of the party school, I learned that the Chinese Communist Party is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, the leading core of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the representative of the development requirements of China's advanced productive forces. The direction of China's advanced culture represents the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. The party's aim is to "serve the people wholeheartedly", which is also the biggest motivation for me to join the Chinese Communist Party.

More than 60 years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, despite the mistakes we made through detours, the party and the people of the whole country have withstood the test of setbacks, overcame many difficulties, and made unprecedented progress. Especially since the founding of the new party leadership group, the party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the general secretary has led the people throughout the country to achieve brilliant achievements in the comprehensive implementation of the scientific development concept, the construction of a socialist harmonious society, and the comprehensive construction of a well-off society. Achievements. In short, the history of the birth of the Communist Party of China for more than 90 years proves that only the Chinese Communist Party can shoulder the hope of the nation and lead the Chinese people to push history forward. Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China; only under the leadership of the Communist Party can China develop faster.

My mother is a Communist, and her job is a doctor. As a child, I was blinded by my mother’s ears. I still remember that when SARS was raging, the mother received strict professional training as a medical worker and was ready to go to fight against the first line of SARS. I asked her, SARS is so terrible, why should I prepare to go to the front line. She simply replied because I am a Communist. This has produced a huge echo in my little heart. Since then, I have paid more and more attention to the party members around me and found that the vanguard and exemplary role of party members shines in every corner of life.

After entering the university, I maintained a good study habit and made myself progress in my studies. While studying professional knowledge, I did not give up the cultivation of my own ideological consciousness. In the university, he actively participated in the student union election, and served as the director of the publicity department of the student union, and took up the promotion work of the college. Painting posters and printing leaflets, although these work are small and trivial, but meticulous completion is also a reflection of the idea of ​​serving the students, which is a good exercise for myself.

Since August, I have become an employee of the railway. After studying at the party school and internship at the branch office, I not only have a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge of railway transportation, but also have a deeper understanding of the party. . Through studying at the party school, I saw how heavy the history of the railway is, how huge the transportation system is, how important the safety of work is, and how strong and strong the railway spirit is. For more than a month in Zhengzhou, I have exchanged ideas with many party employees. They are the most basic party members, but I can understand their responsibility as a communist from their enthusiasm and meticulous work. They love the party, love work, and love life. The most simple party spirit of the grassroots party members has deeply touched me. In addition, there are thousands of railway workers across the country. Those front-line jobs are long-term and scattered, and many employees still need to stay away from the collective and sleep. In particular, the passenger and freight trains are 365 days and weeks away, running around the clock, the production tasks are very heavy, and the safety responsibility and mental pressure are enormous. Large-scale railway construction is carried out on a vast territory with complex and diverse terrain conditions, and the living and construction conditions are very difficult. Railroad workers always remember their missions in their respective posts, resolutely perform their duties, be willing to be lonely, work hard, work hard, and selfless dedication. I feel very moved. I think I will also integrate the advanced nature of the Communist Party members with the railway spirit in my work and study, and sum up how to become a qualified Communist Party member and an excellent railway employee.

I know that there are still many gaps in the distance from a qualified Communist Party member. There are still many shortcomings and shortcomings. For example, the problem is not mature enough, and the level of political theory is not high enough. As a new employee, all aspects of professional knowledge are not solid enough. Therefore, I hope that the party organization will strictly demand me so that I can make progress faster. I myself must also strictly demand myself with the standards of party members, consciously accept the help and supervision of the company's leaders and colleagues, strive to learn from the outstanding Communists, overcome their shortcomings and deficiencies, and strive to reach the standards of party members as soon as possible, and then Join the party in the organization.

Part 3: Application for Railway Workers to Join the Party

Dear Party Organization:

I am very willing to join the Communist Party of China and are willing to fight for the cause of the party for life!

The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the working class, the faithful representative of the interests of the people of all ethnic groups in China, and the core of the leadership of China's socialist cause. The Chinese Communist Party is the ultimate goal of realizing the social system of communism. Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and Deng Xiaoping Theory are the guides to behavior. The Communist Party of China is a party that serves the people wholeheartedly. He always represents the development requirements of China's advanced productive forces, represents the direction of China's advanced culture, represents the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people, and strives to achieve the fundamental interests of the country and the people through unremitting efforts.

From the beginning of the founding of the party, there were only 50 party members and several groups gradually developed to the ruling party with tens of millions of party members. In the long-term revolution, three generations of party Central Committees with Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin as the core were formed. Leading the collective. The party led the people of all nationalities in the country to make three major events for the progress and development of China's socialism: the first was to complete the task of a new-democratic revolution against imperialism and feudalism, ending the history of semi-feudal and semi-colonial China; the second was The exploitation system and the exploiting classes have been eliminated, and the socialist system has been established. The third is to open up a socialist road with Chinese characteristics and gradually realize socialist modernization. This major event continues to be done now. The glorious history of the party is the history of the Chinese Communist Party’s heroic struggle for national liberation and the happiness of the people. It is the history of the universal principle of Marxism combined with the concrete practice of Chinese revolution and construction; it is to uphold the truth, correct mistakes, and overcome all difficulties. , the history of continuous development and growth. The innocence of the Communist Party of China is a great, glorious and correct party and a strong core of leadership for the Chinese revolution and construction.

The reason why I want to join the Chinese Communist Party is because I believe in the inevitable success of the communist cause and I am convinced that only socialism can save China. Only socialism can develop China. Practice has also fully proved. Building socialism with Chinese characteristics is a broad road to realizing China's economic prosperity and social progress. I am convinced that the Communists are thorough materialists and I will work hard in this direction.

At present, I insist on studying theoretical knowledge in my spare time, and I have made great progress in my thinking. Through studying, I have realized that dialectical materialism and historical materialism of Marxism are the crystallization of the development of human philosophical thinking and scientific knowledge. Worldview. The entire scientific theory of Marxism based on this worldview is a powerful ideological weapon for the proletariat and its political parties to overthrow all exploitative systems, build socialism, and realize the great mission of communism, to understand the world and transform the world. It is the spiritual pillar of our people to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the foundation for building a party. As a member of the Communist Party, we must firmly believe in Marxism and be a thorough materialist.

Today, stressing that Communist Party members are to be thorough materialists is by no means targeted and has a strong realistic relevance. Since the reform and opening up, while focusing on economic construction, we have vigorously strengthened the building of socialist spiritual civilization, and people's scientific and cultural level and ideological and moral level have gradually improved. However, there have also been some discordant notes in the society. Some idealism and theism include the feudal superstition thoughts and activities, the scientific research, the promotion of the national traditional culture and the qigong fitness. It is worth noting that some party members and cadres can't distinguish between right and wrong in the face of this phenomenon. They can not only resist and fight, but become captives of these wrong things.

It is not difficult to see that Communist Party members must be strengthened in learning to be thorough materialists, and to arm their minds with scientific theories and scientific knowledge. To be a thorough materialist, the most fundamental thing is to learn Marxist philosophy, truly grasp the worldview of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, master the political knowledge and political views of Marxism, and arm armed with Marxist positions, viewpoints and methods. mind. In this way, the ideological foundation can be firmly established and not be confused by anything wrong. Thorough materialism is based on scientific understanding of nature and human society. To be a thorough materialist, we must study scientific knowledge including natural science knowledge and social science knowledge. Every Communist Party member should study modern science and technology as well as history, law, economics and other scientific knowledge as required. This will help establish a scientific spirit, enhance scientific awareness, and improve the ability to identify and resist various idealism.

Communist Party members must be fully materialist and must actively participate in the practical activities of the people and transform the subjective world while transforming the objective world. Historical materialism believes that social development is not driven by the supernatural super-social forces, but the result of the productivity and production relations, the economic foundation and the contradictory movement of the superstructure. In the final analysis, social productive forces determine social development and the people's people create history.

At the same time, I also deeply realized that the Communist Party of China, rich in the spirit of theoretical creation, achieved two historical leaps in the process of combining Marxism with China's reality and produced two major theoretical achievements. The first leap, found China's own revolutionary road, founded Mao Zedong Thought; the second leap, found China's own socialist construction road, and founded Deng Xiaoping's theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China decided to arm Deng Xiaoping with the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, emphasizing the study of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. The central content is to study Deng Xiaoping's theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. This is a long-term strategic and important task in the party's ideological and theoretical construction. Deng Xiaoping Theory is the inheritance and development of Mao Zedong Thought under the new historical conditions and is the Marxism of contemporary China. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the new situation and new achievements of socialism in China have made us profoundly realize from the historical comparison and international observation that Deng Xiaoping Theory is to guide the Chinese people to realize the society in the process of reform and opening up. The correct theory of modernization. In contemporary China, there is only this theory and no other theory can solve the problem of the future and destiny of socialism. In the new era of socialist reform, opening up, and modernization, on the new journey across the century, we must hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and use Deng Xiaoping Theory to guide our entire cause and work.

While constantly pursuing ideological advancement, I always remember that I am still a student, and learning is very important. Communists must be proficient in their own business, so that they can play a good exemplary role in the public, in order to use their business advantages to help the people to make progress together. Therefore, I have worked hard to learn various cultural courses, and the results are among the best in the class. In addition, I also served as the squad leader's social work. Work hard and work hard, lead the students to build our class collectively, and cultivate a good atmosphere of study and discussion in the class. At the same time, in the activities organized by the school, they have united and achieved good results.

While I have some advantages, I often criticize myself and find that I have some shortcomings in the following aspects. There are two main problems: First, theoretical study is too rigid. Although I often use my spare time to learn relevant knowledge, there are still some shortcomings in analyzing practical problems. The reason is that learning is relatively rigid and cannot be used flexibly. Second, when doing things, it is easy to be impulsive, to do things, to think about problems is easy to impulsive, thus affecting normal work, and can not better serve classmates. However, I will do my best to correct it as soon as possible, and also ask for guidance and help.

Today, although I have submitted a party application to the party organization, I know that there are still many shortcomings and deficiencies in me. Therefore, I hope that the party organization will strictly demand me so that I can make progress faster. In the future, I will strictly demand that I use the standards of party members, consciously accept the help and supervision of party members and the public, work hard to overcome my shortcomings and deficiencies, and strive to join the party as soon as possible in thinking and organization. If the party organization can accept my application for membership in the party, I will continue to make unremitting efforts in the future study work and ask myself at the request of a member of the Communist Party of China. I firmly believe that I can do it in the future work. better. But there are always so many difficulties in reality, I will overcome it a little bit. If the party organization does not accept my application to join the party, I will not be discouraged. I will better express myself and correct myself in the future life. Try to pass the test of the party organization at the next time you write the party application! Please ask the party organization to test me in practice!



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