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Application for college students joining the party at the end of March

Dear party organization:

There are two types of life values, namely self-worth and social value. Self-worth is that claims are greater than contributions, while social values ​​are more than claims. In my opinion, a life that can only achieve self-worth is very worthless. Social value is the embodiment that can truly measure a person's value. I am eager to use social value as my life on the basis of realizing self-worth. pursue. However, the strength of the individual is weak, and the wisdom of the individual is limited. I sincerely hope that there will be an organization that believes in serving the people to lead me and guide me in the direction of progress. This organization is our great Communist Party of China!

As a university student and a member of the Communist Youth League, I understand that only by turning my patriotic enthusiasm into action, combining my ideals with the future and destiny of the motherland, resolutely supporting the leadership of the Communist Party, keeping up with the Communist Party and making ourselves a part of it, with excellence. Communist Party members are the goal of life, starting from self, trying to get closer to advanced Communists, learning their excellent qualities, understanding their great ambitions, and dedicating their strength and passion to the general public in accordance with the party’s instructions. The ambition can truly achieve the social value of the rich countries and strengthen the overall national strength of services.

Since the founding of the party in 1921, our party has gone through a glorious struggle for nearly 87 years. In these decades, the Chinese Communist Party has grown from small to large, from weak to strong, from childish to mature. In the long-term revolutionary process, three generations of party central leadership groups with Mao Zedong, Deng ** and Jiang ** as the core were formed. As General Secretary Jiang said: "The party has led the people of all nationalities in the country to make three major events for the progress and development of China's socialism: the first is to complete the task of a new-democratic revolution against imperialism and feudalism, ending the semi-feudalism of China. The history of semi-colonialism; the second is to eliminate the system of exploitation and exploitation, and to establish a socialist system; the third is to open up a socialist road with Chinese characteristics and gradually realize socialist modernization. This major event continues now. Do.” The glorious history of the party is the history of the Chinese Communist Party’s heroic struggle for national liberation and the happiness of the people. It is the history of the universal principle of Marxism combined with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution and construction; it is to uphold the truth and correct the mistakes. Overcome all difficulties and continue to grow and develop. The innocence of the Communist Party of China is a great, glorious, and correct party, and is the strong leadership core of the Chinese revolution and construction cause.

When China was caught in internal and external troubles and disasters, countless people and lofty people made various explorations for seeking a way out of saving the country and sacrificed their lives for China's independence and prosperity. But neither the peasant class, the bourgeoisie, the petty bourgeoisie and its political parties can find a real way out. The Communist Party of China was born in 1921! His birth immediately brought a new look to the Chinese revolution. Since the day of its establishment, the Communist Party of China has been faithfully representing the fundamental interests of the workers and peasants and the people of all ethnic groups and serving the people wholeheartedly; it has the vision and ability to grasp the objective laws of social and historical development; she has strict organizational and disciplined nature. They can unite and struggle in perseverance; they have the fine traditions and styles of seeking truth from facts, taking the people's line, carrying out criticism and self-criticism; being good at summing up and learning from experience, constantly emancipating the mind, bravely innovating, and creating a new situation in socialist modernization.

After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee, under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Communist Party of China led the people to implement reform and open-door policies and achieved glory in the socialist modernization economy. The achievements of our country have greatly enhanced our comprehensive national strength and the people’s living standards have continued to improve. While leading the people to build material civilization, the Communist Party of China also strives to build socialist spiritual civilization and vigorously develop education, science, and cultural undertakings. In addition, the Communist Party of China leads the people to continuously develop socialism, improve the socialist legal system, and consolidate the people's democratic dictatorship. The Communist Party of China is always united with workers, peasants, and intellectuals of all nationalities in the country. It is united with the democratic parties, non-party democrats, and the patriotic forces of all ethnic groups to develop and strengthen the patriotic united front. We will safeguard and develop the relations of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance among all ethnic groups in the country, adhere to the implementation and continuous improvement of the system of regional ethnic autonomy, actively cultivate and select minority cadres, help the development of economies and cultures in all ethnic minority areas, and realize the common prosperity and comprehensiveness of all ethnic groups. progress. In 1997, Hong Kong returned to the motherland. In 1999, Macao returned to the motherland and greatly promoted the cause of peaceful reunification of the motherland. In the "smashing and looting" incident in Tibet in 2008, the Party Central Committee calmed down the riots in the first time and curbed the attempt of the unscrupulous elements to split the sovereignty of the country. This incident once again shows that the Communist Party of China adheres to the unity and unity of all nationalities in the country. thought. The principle of peaceful reunification of Deng’s "one country, two systems" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people at home and abroad, and the great cause of the reunification of the motherland is unstoppable and will be realized.

Practice has proved that the Chinese Communist Party is a great, glorious and correct party. Only by adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China can we realize socialist modernization, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the people throughout the country, and ensure the socialist nature of reform and modernization. Only then can we ensure that the modernization of the card has a stable and united political environment, and that reform and opening up can be achieved. Gradually pushing deeper, we can truly build our country into an independent, democratic, prosperous and strong socialist country, and finally realize our lofty ideal - communism.

I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China. I want to study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng-** theory and the party's basic line in the party organization, study science, culture and business, and constantly improve my ideological and political consciousness. I must conscientiously use the standards of the Communist Party members to demand myself, serve the people wholeheartedly, do not seek personal self-interest, implement the party's decisions with perseverance, safeguard the unity and unity of the party, strictly observe the party's discipline, conserve the party's secrets, and be loyal to the party. Consistent in words and deeds, loyal to the party, active work, struggle for communism for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, never to rebel.

I can clearly see that the current international situation is still turbulent and that China is still facing severe challenges. The responsibility of the Chinese Communist Party as the ruling party of China is even more important. I firmly support the Chinese Communist Party, abide by Chinese laws and regulations, oppose splitting the motherland, safeguard the motherland's reunification, conscientiously implement the party's basic line, various policies and policies, take the lead in participating in reform, opening up, and modernization, and drive the people for economic development and social progress. Struggling hard, playing a vanguard and exemplary role in work, study and social life, always fighting for the interests of the party and the people, fighting for communism for life.

I sincerely request the party organization to go through various investigations and approve my request to apply to join the party. If the organization approves my application, if the organization approves my application, I will definitely refrain from arrogance and arrogance, continue to strictly demand the party members' standards, consciously study the party's theory, support the party's program, abide by the party's charter, and perform party members. The obligation is to be consistent with the party in thinking and action, to work actively, to fight for the cause of the party for life, to never rebel against the party, and to be a veritable Communist Party member. As a college student, I will use my strengths or excellent aspects to help those students who have difficulties, and uphold the interests of the party and the people above all else in society. Personal interests are subject to the party and the people. Benefits, bitterness, enjoyment, self-denial, and contribution. Closely contact the people, publicize the party's ideas to the public, discuss with the people in case of problems, promptly reflect the opinions and demands of the people to the party, and safeguard the legitimate interests of the people. At the same time, we must actually carry out criticism and self-criticism, dare to expose and correct shortcomings and mistakes in our work, promote new socialist trends, promote communist morality, protect the interests of the country and the people, and at all difficult and dangerous moments. Come forward, fight heroically, and not be afraid of sacrifice. Take my actual actions to serve the motherland. I will firmly remember that I am a Chinese, a Chinese under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. I will always use Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and in my current and future life. Jiang**'s xxxx is his own guide to action. And absolutely support all activities of the Chinese Communist Party led by xx. If the organization does not accept my request, I will not be discouraged and will continue to fight for it. I believe that with the help and guidance of the organization, I will join the Communist Party of China one day!

I know very well that according to the requirements of the party, I still have a certain gap. There are still many shortcomings and shortcomings in me. For example, the problem is not mature enough, and the level of political theory is not high. Therefore, the party organization is requested to strictly demand me so that I am making progress faster. If the organization does not accept my request, I will not be discouraged, but continue to fight for it, consciously accept the help and supervision of the organization and classmates, strive to overcome their shortcomings, make up for the shortcomings, and strive to join the party as soon as possible, please organize in practice Test me!




August 23, 2019

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