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Excellent essay on college students' application for membership in 2019

Dear Party Branch:

Today, with great excitement, I solemnly propose to join the great Communist Party of China. Although this idea has been around for a long time, I have always wanted to join this advanced party after I became a member of the Communist Youth League. I have been practicing with the standards of party members in the Communist Youth League’s career, in order to join the Communist Party as soon as possible. . China's beloved party organization:

Today, with great excitement, I solemnly propose to join the great Communist Party of China. Although this idea has been around for a long time, I have always wanted to join this advanced party after I became a member of the Communist Youth League. I have been practicing with the standards of party members in the Communist Youth League’s career, in order to join the Communist Party as soon as possible. .

The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the faithful representative of the interests of the Chinese people, and the core of the leadership of China's socialist cause.

Since the birth of the Communist Party of China in 1921, under the correct leadership of the three generations of leading collectives represented by Mao Zedong, Deng--, and Jiang, the Chinese revolution has won the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the National Liberation War, and the People's Liberation War. The great victory of socialist modernization has defeated the local tyrants, defeated the Japanese aggressors, overthrew the criminal rule of the Chiang dynasty, established the socialist republic where the people were the masters of the country, and made the ancestors a hero and a hero. The vast majority of working people in China, feudalism, bureaucratic capitalism, and bullying, stood up and turned to be masters.

The victory of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party replied and summed up the lessons learned and lessons of our party since its establishment and sounded the clarion call for socialist modernization. Twenty years of reform and opening up have accelerated the pace of China’s socialist construction, further strengthened national strength and strength, narrowed the gap with the countries that have developed the economy, and improved the people’s living standards. The third generation of the leading collective of our party headed by Jiang, holding high the great banner of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, leading the people of all nationalities in the socialist modernization under the guidance of Deng--building socialist theory with Chinese characteristics The road to the prosperity of the powerful country is advancing rapidly.

When I was full of deep love and hard work, and solemnly filed an application for membership in the party organization, it was at a time when our great reform and opening up of the People’s Republic of China was flourishing and the national cohesion was unprecedentedly strong. At this moment, my heart is full of thoughts and thoughts, and my ears are like the solemn and grandiose melody of the national anthem. The magnificent scenes of the revolutionary martyrs liberating the motherland and building the motherland to throw their heads and sprinkling blood are emerging. Looking back on the difficulties and obstacles of China's revolution and construction process in the past half century, and looking forward to the bright future of China's socialist construction, I feel even more in my heart that the victory of every step of our revolution and construction is the result of the wise leadership of our party. In the century, the new Long March is inseparable from the great, glorious and correct Communist Party of China. I must study hard and work hard, strive to become a member of the party organization at an early date, and contribute everything to the cause of socialist modernization in China.

I was born into a cadre family, and my parents worked in the local people's hospital and struggled throughout the medical front. My father was born in an ordinary peasant family. Grandpa was first a manager of a non-staple food factory. After working at home, grandma was a housewife. Uncle, Sanshu and Sishu were self-employed households, doing business in the local area. My mother was born into a peasant family. My grandparents worked as a farmer all the time. The grandfather used to be a carpenter. The grandmother served as the chairman of the women's federation of the production brigade. Xiaoyan is now working in the national government, working in the local power bureau, and operating the pharmacy.

From the time when I was sensible, I lived in the health system where my parents worked, and the good living and learning environment made me steadfast in my efforts to serve the motherland. From small to high school, I spent the time at the local key schools. With the help of the school leaders and teachers, from the first grade to the third year, I served as the captain, the squad leader, the secretary of the regiment branch, and the class representatives. I assisted the school and the teachers in the work of the class and the league branch. As a good student and outstanding student cadre of the school, district and city, I also increased the knowledge outside the book in practice, and exercised and improved the ability of organization management. Looking back on my own growth process, I deeply understand that every achievement of my achievements is the result of teachers and organizations helping education. Every footprint of my growth is condensed with the efforts of the school party and the organization. In the past, in the future. The same is true. I sincerely hope that the school leaders and party organizations will strictly demand me and patiently help me to make progress in the vast learning and working environment of the university and mature soon.


It has been nearly two years since I entered xx University. In the past days, I have felt the deep concern of the school leaders and teachers, and realized the novelty, tension and new requirements for our study and life. I am currently the secretary of the Youth League branch of the class and the deputy director of the school radio station directly under the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee. I regularly submit ideological reports to the party organizations, and exchange ideas with party members to enable them to grow faster under the right guidance. In this long road of continuous study, work and struggle, I have squandered my countless sweats and cultivated fruitful fruits. That is the naive sentimental understanding that I had to be a hero from the beginning, and gradually rose to the stage of rational understanding for the struggle of communism for life. It can be said that my only motivation for joining the party is to serve the people wholeheartedly.

I want to study cultural knowledge, broaden the knowledge structure, complete my studies, and climb to a higher level of knowledge while I am at university. At the same time, I must study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng-Theory, and learn the basic knowledge of the Party and the Party. Routes, policies, and policies to strengthen the transformation of the world outlook; actively participate in various activities organized by the school, complete the tasks assigned by the leaders and teachers; unite classmates, contact the people, be modest and prudent, lead by example, obey the law, self-denial, and always use everywhere The standards of the Communist Party members strictly demand themselves and accept the test of the party organizations themselves.

Please ask the party organization to accept my application.




August 24, 2019

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