Party group related > Party application

The writing method and format of the certificate of joining the party

The party organization is required to identify the candidates and their family members and the actual performance of major social relations. 1 The identification content of my own is five aspects: morality, energy, diligence, performance, and honesty. Specifically: whether to uphold the party's basic line; whether it is consistent with the party Central Committee on major political issues; whether the style of thinking, work, life, etc. Decent; law-abiding, honest and honest, obeying professional ethics and social morality; work attitude, quality, efficiency and work performance; organizational management ability and work level; relevant economic issues and other violations of law and discipline. 2 There are serious problems in whether the object being investigated is in terms of ideological style and life style; whether there are criminal offenses and serious violations of law and discipline; whether to participate in criminal activities or whether there are serious political, economic and other problems, which are still under review, etc. Make a clear statement. 3 For the assessment of the graduates of the ** year, the performance should be focused on assessing their participation in social practice and social work. Please fill in the official seal of the party organization.

Mainly some personal resumes and family members like:


This kind of proof is still relatively simple, and there is no particularly strict and unique format. The key is to really prove the role. Listed below for reference:

Xx company:

Xx[人名] is a family living in the district**###街**巷** person, male [or female], this year ** years old, ID number: xx.

The comrade became a laid-off unemployed worker [or other] in February xx because of the bankruptcy [or other] reasons of the original unit xx*, and has not yet found a job.

Hereby prove.

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