Work Report > Resignation Report

Logistics staff resignation report

Mr. Lu:


Unconsciously, I have been in the company for almost a year. Under the cultivation and trust of Lu and the leaders, I have followed the car from the bottom, and now I can work together to manage Fujian dc! This kind of affection, I remember in my heart!

I want to come. When I first entered Disheng Logistics, the first one was the recognition of the culture contained in the young casual food such as “Leisure”. I think our company is also such a young company, or young. the company,! I also realized the atmosphere:

Young, hard work, ability, innovation, unity!

The company is also developing rapidly, from Jinan to Fujian, from Suzhou to Nanjing! It can be said that the growth of the company is geometric! I am also very fortunate to be able to grow up in such an environment!

I don't have any diplomas, but I am recognized here, which makes me find my self-confidence! I am deeply grateful here!

Or I am a bad student, or an employee. Finally, I chose to leave in such an environment! I don't know if this is a betrayal. Just I have to leave!

There are two reasons why an employee leaves:

1, employees are not satisfied with the company

2, the company is not satisfied with the employees

I think employees are dissatisfied with the company because: the difference between personal culture and company culture, or the straightforward point is the disharmony that the company gives and the employees themselves demand!

I think I still have to leave this hot soil. Just like a child who wants to leave his hometown to exercise in the distance, I have lived up to the leaders’ deep expectations for me!

I am deeply grateful to those who have nurtured me and encouraged me: and those who trust me!

I have to leave the company for various personal reasons, I hope that the money can always solve my problem as soon as possible!

PS: I want to leave the company before the 10th, I hope the money can always be approved.

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