Work Report > Resignation Report

Job and nature inappropriate resignation report

Dear Mr. Huang:


It is a pity that I officially resigned from the company at this time. Perhaps I am not a regular employee. I am only temporarily employed. I do not need to write this resignation letter. When you see this letter, maybe I am no longer in the company, but please inform the finances to settle my salary for this month. Thank you!

It’s been a short time since I came to the company. I feel that the company’s atmosphere is just like that of a big family. Everyone has a good relationship and harmony. I have had laughter, gains, and pains. Although it is somewhat unpleasant, I have learned at least some things here.

In the months of work, I did learn a lot, but the sense of accomplishment in my work always makes me embarrassed. I started thinking and thinking seriously. The result of thinking - perhaps not suitable for the work defined by my company.

Initially, the company’s daily work feels very fulfilling. Every day, the owners who are in the bank loan to buy a house are notified. In addition to the bank’s high-quality loan service, they can also choose to get the company’s offer. For a mobile phone, you only need to submit a copy of your ID card, and you can use the monthly package for two years to save money. This is a very attractive service, so many people have handled this business. I also learned a lot when I helped them with the business. I would like to thank the company here.

When the first month's salary was paid, I was very happy. I thought at the time that holding the company was not a low salary. I must create value for the company and work hard in the future to reach the interview. My 冀 always mentioned to me, worked well in our company, completed the goals set by the company at that time, and thanked the company for trusting me.

In the following work, I am honored to receive your personal guidance. You are better than I am in my work experience and business. I am very impressed. What I was thinking at the time was to follow along with you and live up to your cultivation.

However, in the subsequent work, there are problems. You are busy. We all know that when you have something to forget, I understand you. However, in the following months, when I received the salary for the second month, I have already lowered the very large salary standard. It doesn't matter, the company has difficulties. We can understand that everyone is a part of the company. It should be a worry for the company, but you have to say it in advance, okay? So when I get the salary at the end of the month, I will tighten my belt and split a penny into two halves. I don’t have to blush my face and ask my parents for money. You know, the salary for the second month only sent me less than 400 yuan! Even eating is not enough!

Others go to work to earn money, but I go to work but pay money! How can you get this money? You should know better than me. I worked so hard for the company but I only got a little money. It seems that my situation in the company is not comparable to a temporary employment promotion. Sad!

Since this month, other colleagues in the company have enjoyed the benefits of basic social insurance. No one asked me, maybe you did it, and you have your own considerations. But it’s my turn to give me insurance, and you’ve magically forgotten, right?

The so-called suspects do not need to use people without doubt. I don't know if you doubt the motive of my first visit to the company, so I will treat you differently afterwards, but I can assure you that I am not a company that has a relationship with the back door, nor any nepotism. I am single-minded. Our company has made a career and achieved a blue sky. Unfortunately, it is often counterproductive.

Because I am young, I must learn to choose. I can't give up the wonderful life of my next life! Because I am young, I must learn to be awake, numb to endure spiritual and material damage, and will ruin my life that should be gorgeous!

When I can't continue, I choose to give up! When I can't stand it, I choose to escape! I have the choice to live, and live my true right!

Here, I ask the leaders, stand on the top of all the top of China's economic development, understand me! Understand a 22-year-old heart! Give me a chance, give me some time, let me comfort my injured heart! Rest assured, I will never let the picks go. I will actively cooperate with the company's colleagues to do the work after I get what I deserve, and never leave the company behind.

It’s a must, it’s a problem for the leader! Say something here: Sorry! Long live!


Company employee xxx

March 23, 2019

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