Fan Wen Daquan > Work Report

[Boutique] How to write a work experience

This article directory 1 work experience and how to write 2 work experience experience essays 3 work experience experience model article 1: work experience experience how to write

1. What is "the experience of the heart"

In participating in social life and social practice, people often have many feelings and experiences about a certain work. These feelings and experiences do not necessarily undergo rigorous analysis and thinking.

It is only a perceptual understanding of this work and a simple theoretical analysis. Expressing these thoughts in the form of words is "the experience of the heart."

"Heart experience" is a daily style of writing, which belongs to the scope of argumentative papers. The general length can be long or short, and the structure is relatively simple.

2, how to experience the experience of how to write?

The basic format of the experience is roughly composed of the following parts

I, title

The title of the experience can be in the following forms:

Experience in the XX activities

About the experience of XX activities


If the content of the article is rich and the length is long, you can also use the form of double-line headline. The headline summarizes his main experience in a refined language. The subtitle is “Experience in XX activities”, for example:

Looking at the small, from the new

——Experience in participating in the science and technology innovation contest of college students

II. Text This is the central part of the experience.

The beginning begins with a brief description of the basics of the work involved, including the reasons for the participation, the time, the location, the process of the specific work undertaken and the results.

Due to the experience of the subject, the subject tends to be more likely to sign under the title of the article, and the date of writing is placed at the end of the article.

3, writing the experience of the experience should pay attention to the problem

Avoid mixing the boundaries of understanding and summarization. Generally speaking, a summary is a comprehensive review of a work or a problem by a unit or individual after a job has been completed.

Analysis and research, strive to find out the lessons learned about the work after the end of a work, lead to regular understanding, to guide future work, it pays attention to the objectivity, comprehensiveness, systemicity and profoundness of understanding. In terms of expression techniques, on the basis of simple narrative, more methods of analysis, reasoning, and discussion are adopted, focusing on the rigor and simplicity of language.

The experience is relatively more focused on subjective knowledge and feelings in work, study, life and other aspects, often grasping one or two points, fully mobilizing and using narratives, descriptions, arguments and explanations of even lyrical expressions, in narrative work At the same time, I will focus on my experience and feelings at work. It pursues the vividness and uniqueness of feelings, and does not pursue its comprehensiveness and rigor. Even in some cases, it can be said only a little, not counting the rest.

Seeking truth from facts, not boasting, not falsifying, not sick. The experience of the experience should be a reflection of the true feelings in the actual work and activities. It should not be tweaked, and it should be high-spirited, and it should not be false and exaggerated, resulting in the inaccuracy of the content.

The language is simple and vivid. The experience can be based on the use of simple language for narrative and argumentation, and appropriate descriptions, lyrics, and various rhetorical techniques can be used to enhance the appeal of the article.

3, writing the experience of the experience should pay attention to the problem

Avoid mixing the boundaries of understanding and summarization. Generally speaking, a summary is a comprehensive review of a work or a problem by a unit or individual after a job has been completed.

Analysis and research, strive to find out the lessons learned about the work after the end of a work, lead to regular understanding, to guide future work, it pays attention to the objectivity, comprehensiveness, systemicity and profoundness of understanding. In terms of expression techniques, on the basis of simple narrative, more methods of analysis, reasoning, and discussion are adopted, focusing on the rigor and simplicity of language.

The experience is relatively more focused on subjective knowledge and feelings in work, study, life and other aspects, often grasping one or two points, fully mobilizing and using narratives, descriptions, arguments and explanations of even lyrical expressions, in narrative work At the same time, I will focus on my experience and feelings at work. It pursues the vividness and uniqueness of feelings, and does not pursue its comprehensiveness and rigor. Even in some cases, it can be said only a little, not counting the rest.

Seeking truth from facts, not boasting, not falsifying, not sick. The experience of the experience should be a reflection of the true feelings in the actual work and activities. It should not be tweaked, and it should be high-spirited, and it should not be false and exaggerated, resulting in the inaccuracy of the content.

The language is simple and vivid. The experience of using the simple language to describe and discuss, can appropriately use description, lyricism and various rhetorical devices to enhance the appeal of the article.

Part 2: Working experience and essay

Foreword: During the internship, I have a deep understanding. In the past, I did think that what I did was worthy of my own salary, because the company is not just me, although I am working hard, but the purpose is: to do more will be affirmed by the master or the boss. Now, I feel that all the work I have done in the air-conditioning company is actually paving the way for my future. Because in terms of air-conditioning, I can learn a lot of things, learn their strengths from the people around me, and make up for my shortcomings. The three-person must have my teacher, choose the good person from it, and change it from the bad ones. Improve yourself, look up, go one step further, and do better! Only with humility, can you empty your bad and receive good things. In the past few months, I have learned what is the spirit of work, the inner meaning, not the eight words hanging on my lips, and I try to use these 8 words as the principle of my life, step by step. perfect.

1. Honesty is honesty, not doing false things, and the purpose is to get recognition from others. In business, you should also talk about integrity. In this business field full of deceit and deception, it is difficult to believe that it may be difficult to do so. Sometimes, at some time, it will lose its own interests, but over time, Chengcheng will become the best rock in our society. It will also give our opponents an effective lethality or a fatal blow. I believe that I personally believe that it is internal and external. I have to believe in myself. I believe that air-conditioning companies are guaranteed on the equipment. Externally, customers believe in our company. Things are good, this is a long and cumbersome process, but once we are done, we go out, others will evaluate us beyond all peers, which is to strive for the first in the industry.

2. Dedication is also a mentality problem. Think of work as a fun person, he must be dedicated. For example, playing games, like to play games will be all night, sleepless nights, and like to work, there will be no double breaks and workdays, the attitude towards customers will also be greatly changed. For example, the Ministry of Air-Conditioning Engineering will carefully understand the relevant information of customers, analyze customers, visit frequently, understand customers' views on us, and explain to customers in detail the details of installation and maintenance of air-conditioning, and continuously improve and thus do better, air-conditioning engineering. The dedication of the department will be very good equipment maintenance. . . . The requirements and attitudes of customers will be treated positively and positively. Dedication will surpass themselves and meet the differentiated needs of customers with standardized services. Each time they are better than others, they will strive to be the first in the industry.

3. The team can't complete the Great Commission alone, and the team is the best way to learn from each other. Not only can the private sector grow quickly, but the team members can learn a lot from the shortcomings and make the team more inseparable. Although the team will encounter many problems, as long as the spirit of the team is here, everything will be solved. Once we work together, the outside world will be futile. Therefore, it is natural to achieve the goal of excellence in the same industry.

4. Innovation without innovation, we will stand still. There are three prerequisites. Without integrity, he would not think of innovation. If he is not dedicated, he is too lazy to innovate. Without a team, perhaps his innovation is only a small discovery, not perfect, and the team will innovate. It is even more blameless, and only by continuous innovation, individuals can succeed, and private enterprises can become brilliant. Naturally, it became the first in the industry.

The above is what I realized in this year, and it is also used in the future. No matter where I go, it is my homework. I also hope that our team can do the work of supervision so that I can do better.

Part 3: Working experience and essay

The book "Who are you working for?" mainly explains why we work, why we work hard, and how to work hard. Through a number of real social examples, and an illustration of how some successful people treat their work, let us know that no matter who is in any position, they can succeed through their own unremitting efforts.

The reason why these books are sold is not accidental, but the needs of today's society. In an increasingly competitive market context, any enterprise needs those honest and dedicated employees! At present, the topic of honesty and dedication has become a hot topic in society, no matter how many years of work. The old employees are still new employees who have just stepped into the job; whether they are the leaders of the unit or the ordinary ones, if they can read the deep solutions, they will benefit for the rest of their lives. The book concludes that this book presents a life issue that every employee needs to reflect on himself, and has made a profound and detailed answer to this question. It helps to dispel confusion, adjust mentality, rekindle work passion, and make life from mediocrity to excellence. If every employee can admit and accept from the heart of the simple concept of “we work for others while working for ourselves”, responsibility, loyalty and dedication will no longer be empty slogans.

Ask yourself, who I am working for, I am working for myself. One: I don't work hard today, and I work hard to find a job tomorrow. I think this sentence makes a lot of sense. In today's fierce competition, job opportunities are hard-won, don't cherish job opportunities, people who don't work hard and only know who complains are always in the forgotten corner, regardless of their academic qualifications. Whether it is very high, whether the ability can meet the basic work requirements, can only be so. Second: Only when you love your work can you do your best. When a person is at work, if he can make full use of his own strengths with the spirit of continuous improvement, the enthusiasm of the flames, then even the most ordinary work can become the most delicate workers; if you do it with a cold attitude, even if It is the noblest work, but it is just a mediocre craftsman. For a private enterprise, the bosses often have to fire employees who are not working hard, and also recruit new employees. Those who are incompetent, disloyal and dedicated will be abandoned outside the employment door, but have certain abilities and skills. And those who work hard will be left behind. Work hard today, and you must work hard to find a job tomorrow, so cherish your current job, even to survive.

The employees of the state unit, regardless of whether the leader is absent or not, do their best to do their own work, what to assign, what to do, what to do, where to go, and not to consider the temporary gains and losses. In the course of work, not only must we have sufficient sense of responsibility, love and dedication, but we must also have a tenacious spirit that is not afraid of suffering or tired, and always ready to work hard. Don't deliberately look at others in your work. Don't worry about what others are saying, identify goals, lock targets, and move toward your own goals, and strive to achieve your goals. To do your job well, at least it is worth the salary of your own, worthy of your own conscience. Since you are working for yourself, you must work hard, do it, and do it!

John Kfeller once said that work is a stage for exerting his talents. In today's society, many young people are pursuing high salaries. Many people look down on their own jobs. All front-line labor is a "cultureless" occupation. Such a view will push all workers into the abyss. The book "Who are you working for" tells us that we must find our own opportunities in our day-to-day work. We cannot limit our eyes to a narrow scope, but we should see the true value of the opportunity itself. My current job is to do some things over and over again. Sometimes I feel bored, and I have thought of giving up. Do you think that such work is endless? When we start to shirk responsibility, When we lose our passion for work, when we have resentment towards our work, we need to temporarily stop our work and quietly reflect on this simple and profound question of life: "Who are you working for?"

After reading "Who are you working for?", I think I should think more about what I have learned from my work in the future. What have I learned from my work? What are the deficiencies in my attitude towards work? Do not find any excuses in the work, ignite your work enthusiasm, actively play the team spirit, find fun and surprise from work, create your own miracle in the passion of work! Dare to take the initiative to recognize and accept "we are working for others At the same time, I am working for myself." This simple life concept

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