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Summary of English learning methods

Chinese and English learning methods

First, how to master the method of learning English

English is a worldwide language. One-half of the world's telephones are in English, and three-quarters of the newspapers are in English. The importance of English is evident. Learning English well means opening up a window in the world and you can enjoy a wider range of information.

In the middle stage, everyone will be exposed to some simple English knowledge. More importantly, everyone will gradually master the method of learning English, thus laying a solid foundation for lifelong learning. Let me talk about how to learn English well.

First of all, we must seize the main position of the classroom. In English class, the teacher organizes the class in English. Listening to the teacher carefully, it is to learn English. When listening to the teacher, remember the key content for future use. In English class, the teacher will set up some scenes and activities to give students a chance to practice in English. We must seize the time, boldly and actively practice speaking English, and master the expression of English through practice.

Second, develop more learning resources independently. Now that the society is developed, there are all kinds of audio and video materials about English learning, such as English radio, English movies, English TV programs and so on. Students should actively use these resources and be interested in learning.

Students know that learning languages ​​should be more, more, more, more, and more. I heard that the purpose of reading and writing is to effectively remember. Indeed, memory is the best way to learn English. How to improve the memory effect? ​​Image thinking ability can effectively help you. Image thinking ability means that when you touch something or a certain scene, there is a vivid picture related to it in your mind to help you understand and master. For example, when learning English about shopping, can you think of the customers and shop assistants in the mall? Can you have a vivid picture in your mind? The content of our textbook is closely related to our life, every time we study When new knowledge is used, try to connect with the specific picture. Whenever you touch or use this knowledge over time, you will naturally rely on the pictures appearing in your mind to determine and consolidate your knowledge of English.

In addition to accumulating effective memory methods, it is necessary to effectively cultivate English language sense. There are many ways to cultivate a sense of language. Listening, reading, and backing are the best methods. As long as we think about popular songs, we will understand the importance of listening. The ancients said: "Reading is broken, and there is a god in writing." Learning English is also the same. Only through reading and backing can we get the most amount of practice and accumulate sense of language. I hope everyone can learn English easily and happily.

Summary of foreign language learning methods

I summed up my experience of roaming the foreign language world to ten, for those who are sincere and not rather pretentious to master foreign languages.

First, learning a foreign language can not be interrupted one day. If you really don't have time, even if you squeeze out ten minutes a day. Morning is a great time to learn a foreign language.

Second, if you are tired of learning, don't be too reluctant, but don't throw it away. At this time, you can change the way you learn. For example, you can put the book aside to listen to the radio, or temporarily put down the textbook exercises to flip through the dictionary.

Third, never leave the context in isolation.

Fourth, you should write down and familiarize yourself with the "sentence sets" that are usually used most often.

5. Try to "heart-translate" what you are exposed to, such as flashing advertisements and occasional words. This is also a way of rest.

6. Only things that have been modified by the teacher are worth remembering. Don't go over and see the exercises that have been done without modification. If you look too much, you will unconsciously keep your mind in mind. If you are purely self-study and there is no one to help others, then you should remember those things that are definitely correct.

Seven, transcribe and memorize sentence patterns, idioms should use the singular first person, such as "I am only pulling your leg"...

8. A foreign language is like a bunker. It must be besieged from all directions at the same time: reading newspapers, listening to radio, watching original movies, listening to foreign language lectures, studying textbooks, communicating with foreign friends, talking, talking, etc.

Nine, dare to speak, don't be afraid of making mistakes, but ask others to correct the mistakes. It is especially important that when others do start to help you correct the mistakes, don't be embarrassed or discouraged.

10. Believe that you can achieve your goals, and firmly believe that you have strong and unyielding perseverance and extraordinary talents in language. If you no longer believe that there is such a talent, then you think, mastering the foreign language, you are still smart enough. If the materials you learn are hard to make you discouraged, then you will read textbooks and dictionaries. Finally, when it is difficult to move forward, you will swear the language itself, because all languages ​​are difficult to master, and the most difficult one is to master the native language. With this in mind, things will be easier.

Summary of English learning methods

Sentences are more important than words

Chinese people learn English, the most common method is to recite words, and even some people are proud to be able to recite a dictionary, but the explanation in the dictionary is dead, the use of language is alive, and the understanding of machinery will cause great misunderstanding. The dictionary is not the most important, the key lies in the context. It can be said that there is not much practical value in words, and the amount of words in mechanical memory is large, and it will not really improve your foreign language level. It is necessary to develop a good habit of memorizing sentences, because the sentence contains both the pronunciation rules and the grammatical content, and can also indicate the specific meaning of a word in a specific language environment.

Don't learn "ancient English." Any language is alive, developing every day, learning old language is nothing new, and there is basically nowhere to be. Languages ​​that are not fresh, incompetent, and not humorous are not the language we want to learn. Reading more foreign newspapers and reading the original film and television works will help to add new vocabulary.

Many people think that the word can be correctly spelled out by splitting the words into one letter. In fact, the scientific method is to integrate the pronunciation, spelling and usage, and to use it simultaneously, with both eyes and brains, and apply it to Understand the sentence.

I don’t understand, but also listen.

When practicing listening, many people complain that they don't understand, and thus lose the fun of listening, often halfway. In fact, even if you don't understand it is a kind of study, but you can't detect it yourself. Although I don't understand it for a while, your eardrum has begun to try to adapt to a new language pronunciation. Your brain is adjusting its frequency and preparing to accept a new information code. This is a leap in itself.

So remember: when you don't understand, you are making progress.

It is very important to dare to learn English. It is used to communicate with others, but it is also a major feature of Chinese learning English. The problem is the following:

First, some people regard whether they understand it as a standard of learning. I got a textbook for oral English, and when I opened it a few pages, I understood it. I thought it was too simple and not suitable for myself. In fact, the practice of oral textbooks, the content will certainly not be difficult, otherwise it can not be practiced. To understand does not mean that it is the most important goal of oral textbooks to express these things that you have learned fluently.

Second, do not use Chinese characters to remember English pronunciation. Learning a foreign language, if the pronunciation is not close, will never really master a foreign language, and the biggest harm is not conducive to the cultivation of foreign language interest, affecting the next step of learning. Some people now use the pronunciation of Chinese to mark English. For example, "goodbye" is recorded as "Ancient worship", and even this practice is published as a result.

The third point that I dare not speak is that I am afraid that the grammar is wrong. There is no specific problem, generally do not read the grammar book. Learning grammar ahead of time will make you lose the fun and confidence to learn a foreign language.

Moreover, grammar is like swimming theory. For those who have not been in the water, swimming theory is of little use. Similarly, for beginners who are not rich in language practice, the use of direct grammar is not very useful. Therefore, we must combine linguistic practice to understand grammar. Grammar is a theoretical reflection after learning the language. There is no right or wrong in learning a language. As long as it can be said, it means that people can understand it. You don't have to worry about what kind of sentence to use, as long as you can choose a word.

The best way to learn spoken English is not to do exercises, not to recite, or to read grammar books, but to read the text aloud. The purpose of this practice is to cultivate your own sense of language. Only when you have a sense of language can you think about it while you are doing the exercises. Subconsciously write the correct answer. Moreover, when you are proficient in reading dozens of texts, many common sentences will unconsciously blurt out, and the so-called "stage of thinking in foreign languages" will come to an end.

"Peg to" a set of textbooks

Nowadays, the materials for learning English in the market are overwhelming, which gives everyone more choices, but bad handling will bring about bad consequences.--With today's textbooks and another one tomorrow, learning will lose its systemicity. The correct approach is to select a set of textbooks, mainly based on it, and the rest of the materials are supplemented.

In addition, many test materials currently on the market are based on “real questions”. Many candidates pin their hopes on “real questions” and think that they can pass the exam. In fact, many formal exams are widely used, and after a rigorous difficulty argument, the used materials can never be used twice.

In the face of such an examination, it is obviously a remedy for the problem to prepare for the problem. The problem can only help the candidate to understand the role of the question... For the candidate, the improvement of language ability is the key.

Don't change schools frequently. Don't blindly worship foreign language colleges. These colleges do have a long history and experienced teachers, but sometimes they have limitations. Old textbooks, outdated ideas, and outdated methods are their common problems and fatal flaws.

There is no "quick" in learning English. There is no shortcut to learning English well, only the method is good or bad.

For example, remembering English words, it is not a good idea to write down and swear by your head. A good way is to read aloud, repeatedly training the vocal organs and ears, and engraving the sound in your head. This can improve listening, improve spoken pronunciation, and remember words. The dictation only trains the eyes and hands, but they can't listen and speak for you. This is the difference between a good school and a regular school. A good school can improve the students in the shortest possible time through the training of learning methods, but it still requires the efforts and efforts of the students. Don't expect high tuition fees to reward significant learning outcomes. Paying higher tuition does not mean not learning.

Don't even rush to go to the hospital in the case of urgent use of English. Regardless of whether the school's learning method is suitable for you, let's talk about it first, and then feel that it is inappropriate to change. This is especially bad for children-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is more difficult to correct it later. Therefore, after parents choose and decide on trusted teaching ideas, methods and teachers, don't change them easily, which will only bring counterproductive effects to children's foreign language learning.

Looking for a learning partner

There is still a lot of motivation to learn English. Every time you sit down and study, you need a short-term motivation to focus on reading and listening, whether at home or at a language center. But it requires more long-term motivation to ensure that such things are done every day—this is the hardest thing. So many people started to learn English, and soon gave up after a while - we learn English is not a continuous improvement process, but through a series of sudden improvements and intervals seemingly unchanged, this is the so-called "plateau effect". In a few months of study, you may not notice a huge increase in English. At these times, learners are most likely to lose long-term motivation and give up learning.

A good way to avoid the "plateau effect" is to try not to learn alone. If you can't go to the language center, at least you should try to find a “learning partner” so that you can encourage and support each other.

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