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2014 University Study Life Summary

University study life summary

University - xx Institute of Technology, is a dream for me! Because I can come here, it is already an incredible thing! So, I can meet you, everyone in the university who lives around me, for me. In fact, it is already a good fate for the day! Compared to other people, I cherish every day in the university, and of course I am very afraid of the end of university life. . . Here, the first person I want to thank is the same table of my senior year. You let me have a platform that belongs to me. I have the opportunity to recognize myself and challenge myself. Thanksgiving has a life in my life. Your appearance! Thankyou!

In September 2019, with my surprise and fear, my father and I drove into the gate of xx University. A ignorant, young man, I started from that moment and wrote my own university chapter. . . .

At the beginning of September 2008, the first class meeting, I got the trust of all the roommates in the 502 dormitory, and I was supported by two support classes. I was elected as the class leader, and it was from this time that I was ordered. I changed the style of the original chapter of the university. . . .

In mid-September 2019, whether it is a good character or a mismatched line of nerves! Under the teachings and enthusiasm of my roommates, I interviewed a community that I never thought of - the college student practice department! After passing the first round of interviews, I passed the re-examination with outstanding performance and successfully passed the test of layers. It was from that night that my university road was also attached with a unique color. . . .

After that, from the first student work - the class leader, the first student cadre position - the practice department officer started, began a student job no return. For this responsibility, this pressure, really, I have suffered too much, two and a half years, from a young freshman to a junior old fritter, just over two years Time has affected a big boy who is timid, afraid of things, and not confident. Indeed, my feelings at this moment are very deep! In the past two years, I have really changed a lot. I have known my true self. I have discovered my own potential. I have learned more about giving. With "gratefulness." . . .

Joining the practice department - this big family opportunity, I think it is the greatest gift that God has given me since college! It is quite calm to say that I cherish this opportunity than anyone else, learn from good people, learn to do things, learn to improve, I know how to add value to myself! Freshman, one year's hard work, silently study behind the scenes, no matter what job or activity, I secretly do it, go to school, think, summarize, from the Secretariat, Organization Department I, the propaganda department, the sports department, the entertainment department, the practice department, and the brand activities of every department, I participated in it. No matter what physical strength, noisy handling work, I can almost see the back of my work! Maybe that When I was, maybe like the freshmen, it was the curiosity of the freshman who led me to do it. When it was for me, it was a cherish and awkwardness to join the big group opportunity of the blue sky and it touched me to learn. A year of student union work, I am very happy, I am very fulfilling! The department has brought me the elements of happiness, the friends around me have given me the opportunity to share happiness! Here, to you Thank you! Thank you guys in the same class - Feng Liang, Zhi Quan, Xiu Jun, you guys let me have more opportunities to learn, participate in the work of your department, let me learn more! Thanks 07, 08 practice department Friends - Xiao Ge, Zhi Xin, Xiao Hong, Hao Jia, Qi Ai, M Zi, Xiao Yang, Xiao Jia, Xiao Ming, Wen Jing, Shi Zhao, A Dong, thank you very much, gave me a different university. Definition, with you, I know what is the joy of life! In you, I have gained a different kind of emotion - a love for the department! You provide a platform and opportunity to enrich the university life, let me Get more exercise and honing on limited abilities! Thanks for yours!

Sophomore, it can be said that I am trying to improve my year! This year is also my most memorable year! The loss of the freshman's simplicity is becoming more mature! In the new year's work, there have been Sweat, there have been tears, everything is now recalling, the mouth is still sour! From the responsibility of the class assistant, to the future department, to the election of the presidium, the responsibility of the first semester of the sophomore, the responsibility Stress, I believe that I can't appreciate it! In 2009, it was the turning point of my university! In the career path I planned, there was a split! On October 27, I left my first tear in the blue sky. From that day on, I tried hard to win the chance to run for the presidium! Because at that time, I was already appointed as the successor of the department by the brothers and sisters of 07. Before the new semester was changed, I lost the chance to run for the presidium! And when I One year after entering the student union, the goal has already been fixed in the presidency! Because, I know that at every stage of human growth, I have my own goals, and the goals grow with age, the precipitation of thoughts, and every time period is always not In the year of the Student Union, I have devoted my efforts to the work of the department, and the job of the presidium is not only a challenge to the self, but also a way of grateful return! The so-called, there must be some income. Under the shade of the blue sky, I did get a lot, learned a lot, and had to pay back. The campaign presidium is one of my best ways of gratitude! However, in the world, many things are not in the world. I can only control the range that I can control! I can only say that the impulse of the moment, the outspokenness of the moment, let me once again lose the opportunity to fight hard before the election! On December 6, I was expected to be "being" unsuccessful. The result, for me, is still very gratifying, very safe! Because, I know, more than a year has been paid, it has been recognized by many people! It is this trust, these feelings, let me grow up A lot! Half-year full-time pay, half a year and two lines - Riverside to the headquarters, rushing through countless days and nights! For the blue sky, I can be very calm, I try my best to do it! I will be the most The good side is left to you! I have no complaints and no regrets. The election campaign began to fade away despite the calmness of the mood. . . However, for me, there is still a road paved by others waiting for me to do it. That road is very difficult and difficult to go - as the minister of practice! This choice is perhaps the most in my university. A difficult choice to make, because I know that when I made a choice, this road was also destined to be a no return! Because I know that this responsibility and pressure is the most difficult and most difficult to bear! I was then Perhaps, I have been entangled in this issue, perhaps once for a love, perhaps, has been rejected by a moment of emotion! But, until now, I can say very firmly, I can not find any regrets The reason! This is chosen, I am willing to bear! In this year, I have to thank a lot of people! Authoritarian, Haojia, Qizai, 09 all new, give me great support and help, in the new semester During my working life in the practice department, I passed the most memorable 20 in my life.

Birthday - 20-year-old sky! I have harvested the friendship and friendship accumulated in the year! I am grateful for the fate in the midst of it! For Haojia and Qizai, for what happened in that half year, I can only You thanked me and apologized, because for my personal reasons, you have taken on countless pressures! sorry!

As soon as the new winds were ordered, I began to work in his position. I put my mind and time into the department building and department work. I have always understood myself for a long time in the department. I have left some of my feelings in the university to the latter part of the practice department. Perhaps, let me self-evaluate the work of the minister for a year, I can say that I am a failed, incompetent minister! I left the most, except for some textual theoretical summative departmental work. It is a kind of regret and embarrassment! It is a kind of pressure and responsibility on oneself to leave it to 09! It is undeniable that I am a person who only works, does not live, does not know how to be considerate of others! From the succession to the department work handover, The "party" that belongs to us is in the impression, only the department meeting to discuss the work! In addition to the meeting or the meeting, even a dinner party, departmental activities have never been held! Gradually, work troubles, life choices, heart and heart The interval began to slowly tangled! Even, the time we can live together - 10 years to go to the countryside, it has become an irreparable regret! Finally, until the end, we have a hard time to lift The knot! Perhaps, "time" became my only excuse; perhaps, "busy" became the reason for me to escape; perhaps, "sorry" became my 14-year mantra. Sorry, I have failed your expectations of me! sorry, numb work, I forgot to arrange your private time and space. . . . Up to now, the only thing I can tell you is to learn to cherish and treasure, forget and remember! I know, you know!

For the 08 Standing Committee members who have worked together for one year, I know that we have nothing to do! When we know the seriousness of the results, we have lost the courage and opportunity to fight for the same goal! What we can do last is Let's carry this unfinished responsibility to the end! Leave hope and responsibility to the descendants who have the ability and ability to pay! Here, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and apologize! Thank you, for a year, you have been to me. Support and cooperation of the work! I am also very fortunate that from recognition to acquaintance, we have had a footsteps of growth together! Unfortunately, during the process of growing up, I have been scolding you and distrusting you, for this reason. I’ve always been deeply impressed! However, I also know that you know me! Everything is in the air. . . .

My two-and-a-half-year summary of the university may be very simple, perhaps very monotonous, very monotonous. It is true that besides work or work, besides gratitude or gratitude, besides you are still 愧疚······ These are the words I want to say the most! I can't say anything, I have to borrow words. Two and a half years of practice, two and a half years of deposition, for me to get a lot of! Whether in terms of ability, or thought, there has been a certain improvement and growth! It is precisely because of this, I want I am grateful to those who have always given me the greatest help - loved ones, friends, classmates, strangers. I think, you gave me the courage to struggle and exercise. You gave me a chance to know yourself and discover yourself! Thanks for everybody!

Today, December 24, 2019, it is the old club that belongs to 08. However, for me, everything is coming too fast, everything is coming suddenly. I can only say that my work has not been completed. . . . . .


The most grateful classmates - roommates in the 502 dormitory, thank you for always supporting me behind me and encouraging me! When I need help the most, I have given me the confidence to overcome difficulties! Thankyou!

The most grateful group - all the students in the xx engineering class, you taught me how to build a class, how to improve the group awareness, let me have more opportunities to learn and manage! Thanks!

The most grateful person - my first practice minister - xxx, all my learning opportunities, the university road has become extraordinarily wonderful for you, without your trust and trust, perhaps not at all Your own university road, college dream! thankyou very much!

University study life summary

Time flies, we have spent the entire freshman study life. I am welcoming my sophomore year of study and life. Looking back at this semester, the school, the class, and the things that happen between my classmates are all vivid! In the final stage of this semester, I will summarize all aspects of my semester. Probably summarize the following points.

First, learning; compared to the study life of the last semester, this semester is not relatively easy at that time, because we have opened a course of professional knowledge. Such as; anatomy, nutrition, just learning, I feel a little hard, and some even do not understand. However, the time is long to adapt to the teacher's award-opening style, and I am used to the slow learning system of this semester to keep up with the teacher's lecture steps. Sometimes read extracurricular books on weekends or read some related books. Write down the knowledge in it. Thereby improving their own knowledge and broadening their own perspectives. It is very important to have one thing in learning, that is, attitude, only good attitude can determine the success or failure. Another point I participated in the "Xingmu Cup" knowledge contest, which not only exercised myself, but also improved my professional knowledge. Although the final result is not very satisfactory, I think it is also very beneficial.

Second, in life; get along with the students, establish a good relationship with the students, help each other and form an independent self-reliance and good character. The dormitory is a large group. Eight people live in the same space, but their living habits are different. This requires mutual understanding and accommodation. Only in this way can we get along well and create a good environment for learning and rest. . In this respect, our dormitory is doing very well.

Third, in addition to the class, the teacher followed the teacher to learn the skating class and went to the playground and the square to practice the skating. Although the slippery is not good, the self thinks that it has greatly improved and found the fun. Sometimes I play some badminton, running, etc. during my free time. As the saying goes, 'The body is the capital of the revolution', only a good body can make you healthier. Therefore, in the study, we must also combine work and rest.

In summary, although I have made some progress in this semester, I still have many shortcomings, and there are still many problems that need improvement. In short, I want to carry forward the advantages and correct the shortcomings. University life is precious. I want to cherish the rest of my study opportunities and create a better university life for myself.

University study life summary

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