Good sentence Daquan > Sentimental sentence

Mooded sentence

1. The best life is nothing more than talking and laughing during the day and a good night's sleep.

2, even if I am free and easy, there is still a lot of sadness.

3, I can only wait at the origin of the lonely, perhaps, some waiting for not to be respected, not dependent.

4. When you think of you, it falls on the body like snow, never left.

5, the place of the meeting has been wrong, I dragged this heavy legs in this bustling street.

6, no matter how struggling, has been unable to break away from the old one.

7, I just feel so painful that breathing is a little difficult.

8. Happiness will not miss anyone, and sooner or later it will find you. If you are eager, please wait.

9, tears can not be sad, with the evaporation of memories associated with you

10. After all, we appease others too well, and when we turn ourselves, we lose our sense of proportion.

11, sometimes, a person wants only a hand that can be grasped and an understanding heart.

12. I have always had you in my heart, but the proportion has changed.

13, some things we know that it is wrong, but also insist on being unwilling

14. Some things are not originally born, why bother to hold on and refuse to let go.

15. I am still remembering, still thinking about it, still looking for it, still waiting.

16, blame yourself. I have the ability to like others, and I don’t have the ability to make people like you.

17. Maybe, this is love. Miss, care, expect, meet, smile, then cry.

18. Sorry, let our love lose time and lose to distance.

19, we walked into the red dust in our own crying, and drifted away in the cry of others.

20, use the cleanest and most thorough courage of this age to believe in a person

21, friendship can further become love. Love is a step back but it is no longer a friend.

22. Once we walked together, I swear I will cherish it.

23. Some people are mops, and things are dragged and dragged.

24, my sunset-like sorrow is like a flying bird, the flying bird flies into my sunset-like sorrow

25, I don't have a good talent, but I am more serious than anyone else.

26, there is always a piece of sunshine, able to shine into your heart, let you love every day of life.

27, I am in memory, always reluctant to turn up that page.

28. I am dying of your memory, but you have never noticed it.

29, please don't take my sorrow seriously, and don't break my heart with my performance. I just once again shed tears in other people's stories.

30, life, a trip, the original is just passing by.

31. I am not arrogant, nor amusing, I am tired of all dependence.

32, good night, these two very simple words, who can leave for me.

33. The most useless thing in the world is the salary bar. It seems to be angry and the butt is too thin.

34. How far is the distance between time and space, the separation of two people.

35. The biology teacher said that in addition to the air that is important to us, we also have bacteria that surround us.

36, I am not cold-blooded, not slow. I am just scared, invest too much, and will be sad when I leave.

37, the direction of the wind, more suitable for flying. I am not afraid of people blocking, I am afraid that I will surrender.

38, young tears will not be vain pain and pride must have this life

39. We disappeared in each other's world, and we no longer think about it, no longer read it, no longer see it.

40, the past page, can not turn over, do not turn over, the dust that has fallen over will blind your eyes

41, experienced too many joys and sorrows, will not panic for a small thing -

42. The vines of Warsaw are very splendid, like carrying hundreds of millions of years of thoughts, shaking the time, and the dying love is ridiculous in whose hearts.

43. It is not the best time to have you in, but you are there, I have the best time.

44, when being left on the side by friends. How sad and sad the heart is, how sad and sad it is.

45, there is a kind of pain, you don't understand, I can cover it with a smile, wrapped in a cold.

46. ​​We are all a group of tangled children who like freedom, are afraid of loneliness, want to indulge, and are afraid of falling.

47. You ask me if I love you. It is worth noting. In fact, you should know that love is not worth asking.

48. Those who swear by each other, you just say it casually, but I didn’t listen to it.

49. In the past, I was read through it and I realized it in an instant. It turned out that the memory has been stranded.

50, girlfriends are the darkest time, accompany you to wait for the dawn

51, don't believe that the person in your memory doesn't necessarily miss you too.

52, no matter where you travel. There is always a place for you.

53. When your life encounters the most embarrassing, the people around you will only sneer at you, fake, false, isn't it? Don't care, don't think about it, don't envy, one person has been safe.

54. I will meet two people in my life, one is amazing, and the other is gentle.

55. I am afraid that we will be talking to us now, and we will gradually become strangers and even become unable to say a word.

56, Yuan Fang, how do you see this matter. Back to the adults: my eyes are paralyzed.

57. There is no forgetting in the world. Even if there are, there are some things that cannot be forgotten.

58. The public searched for him thousands of Baidu, and suddenly looked back, it turned out to be two goods.

59, there is always one person, even if he gives you a packet of arsenic, you will laugh and eat it.

60, others are better, but also others. I am unbearable, myself, and my own.

61. Dig out your wounds and magnify the salt for thousands of times, reminding yourself not to fall twice in the same place.

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