Good sentence Daquan > practical poetry

Expressing the homesickness of the poems

Where the sun is sailing, the end of the world is broken. - Meng Haoran

The lonely sail is far away from the sky, only the Yangtze River is flowing. - Li Bai

The sea memory knows that the end of the world is close. - Wang Bo

Looking up at the moon, looking down at hometown. - Li Bai

Nung, moon and new moon. --Su Shi

Acacia meets each other, and this night is hard to feel. - Li Bai

Infinity is the departure from the hustle and bustle. ——Yan Shu

Don't know if you are far away, how much boring! - Ouyang Xiu

The leaves of the phoenix tree are three more rainy, and the sound of the leaves is different. ——Zhou Zizhi

He handed back to the clear field, the language disappeared, and the empty belt returned. ——Zhou Bangyan

I am afraid that I will not leave my heart, how many things, and I want to say it. ——Li Qingzhao

The moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Looking up at the moon, looking down at hometown. - Li Bai alone sails far away from the blue sky, but see the Yangtze River skyline. - Li Bai

The river is three thousand miles, and the family book is fifteen. There is no other language in the line, just returning home. —— Yuan Kai

When Jun comes from his hometown, he should know the hometown. Before coming to the window, Han Mei’s flowers are not - Wang Wei

The road is outside the green hills, before the boat is green. The tides are wide and the wind is hanging. The sea is born and the night, Jiang Chunren old years. Where is the township book, returning to the Yanyang side. - Wang Wan

It’s getting farther and farther away, and it’s like spring water. - Ouyang Xiu

The Lingyin sound book is broken, and the winter is revived. The situation in the neighborhood is even more embarrassing, and I dare not ask people. - Song Zhiwen

Mo Zhen’s road is ignorant, and no one in the world knows the king. - Gao Shi

Advise Jun to enter a glass of wine, and the West is out of the Yangguan. - Wang Wei

It’s been seven years since the spring, and it’s been two years since I left home. After the people return to the geese, they think before the flowers. ——Xue Daoheng

The end of life is at the end, Mo is the road to the sinking - Tang Helan Jinming

Juvenile music, new knowledge, declining thoughts and friends - Han Yu

When I was young, I was away from home, and my hometown voice was not changed. Children meet each other and laugh at where the guests come from - He Zhizhang

Who is the jade flute, flying into the spring breeze. In this nocturne, I can’t afford the love of the garden. - Li Bai

Taohuatan is a thousand feet deep, not as good as Wang Lun. - Li Bai

It’s hard not to be difficult to meet each other. Dongfeng is powerless. - Li Shangyin

Knowing that there is no distance, Wanli is still a neighbor - Zhang Jiuling

To Wenchang’s friends, Weide’s own neighbors—Zhu Yu

Husband is in the sea, and Wanli is next to neighbors - Cao Zhi

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