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A word is insignificant, but has infinite power!

A sentence that is useful to people is worth a thousand words. Many people in ancient and modern China and abroad have been deeply touched by others' words, and even suddenly become more and more open; there are many examples of changing their lives because of "one sentence." Once, there was a story in which a child had ADHD and his mother went to school to open a parent meeting. The teacher complained more than once: "Your child can't sit for a minute." But the mother encouraged the child to say: "The teacher praised you. You used to sit for only half a minute, but now you can sit for a minute." Because of this sentence, the child regained his confidence and finally succeeded. Such a simple word of encouragement leads to success, and this is the power of a sentence. Let the lost life shine again. It is not necessary to ask someone who can speak good words to enlighten. Sometimes, just a look that looks ordinary can bring strength to the other party. “Come on!” Let the athletes stubbornly rush to the finish line. A word of encouragement allows children with learning difficulties to enter the university; a famous sentence makes people learn to be modest. Yan Lihua is a deaf-mute person, but she jumped out of "Avalokitesvara". Because she couldn't hear the music, Yan Lihua wanted to give up many times, but her dance teacher kept encouraging her to say, "Believe yourself, you are the best!" Therefore, she persisted and made a blockbuster. She succeeded. The power of a sentence can change a person's life and can change the trajectory of life. If there is no teacher's encouragement, will Li Lihua still have today's achievements? the answer is negative. Maybe she has given up. A word between brothers and friends may make them turn against each other; the prisoners in custody may make them rehabilitate; the people waiting for rescue may make them try to persist. And this is the power of a word! Inadvertently frivolous words sometimes ruin the future, and a word of care for others can make desperate people have the courage to survive. Life is a kind of learning, and anyone inevitably encounters difficulties and confusion in the process of learning. Give people a word of encouragement, let people rise and rise, why not? Please keep in mind that dripping water can wear stone, palm can turn snow, and in one sentence has infinite power.

Sixth grade: Zhou

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