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Happy learning

Learning is an annoyance for some people, but I think learning is a compulsory course in life. We can't escape it. Then we accept it, can study hard and learn happily. The book is a good teacher and friend of people. Would you reject your second teacher? Shakespeare once said that books are lunch when people are hungry. As long as you don't think of learning as an annoyance, you don't let a happy heart be killed by the pain of learning, but use this fatigue as a kind of knowledge, as a kind of life experience, as a kind of happiness, a kind of enjoyment, so that learning and happiness naturally Double flight. Therefore, the combination of work and rest is what I advocate! We should learn to learn, we should play, so that we have learned and rested, why not? With diligent cultivation and happiness, we will live up to the rare learning experience, let us learn happily, grow up happily, and fight for our ideals!

Sixth grade: Zhou Wei

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