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Environmental advice to school leaders

Dear school leader: Hello. Thank you for taking the time to look at this proposal. I am a student of the sixth grade of the sixth grade. I have been studying and living on this beautiful campus for almost six years.

Our campus is like a beautiful large garden with a green blanket like a football field and lush trees. As soon as I entered the back door, I saw colorful and colorful flowers, which was beautiful. There are some unsatisfactory things happening on this modern campus:

In the old green belts, the branches of the green and manicured trees were cruelly broken by the children of the lower grades. The waste paper group was everywhere on the lawn of the campus, which greatly affected the beautiful environment of the campus. Looking around on a clean lawn, I always saw some food bags and white garbage discarded by my classmates. These rubbish became extremely glaring on the green lawn.

Because people are too much waste of natural resources, the earth is the mother of mankind, the cradle of life, we should protect the mother of the earth, and we are destroying the mother of the earth and destroying the smooth skin of Mother Earth. As the article "Only One Earth" says, we can no longer hope to destroy the Earth and then move to other planets, so I would like to give you some suggestions: Strengthen environmental management on campus. Appropriate rewards for classes that care for the environment and don’t litter the litter. Make reasonable criticism of bad behavior. two. Water is the source of life, but it is too little. Although the surface seems to cover a large area of ​​the earth, but less than one-tenth of the energy can be used, many cities are seriously short of water, so we need to save water. Washing the toilet with water, washing the vegetables, washing the water with water, isn’t it just to save water?

Third, do not throw paper scraps, do not spit.

For our campus, for our lives, for our planet, take action! I hope that the school leaders will adopt my opinions and make our campus tomorrow even better!

The sixth grade of Wanjiang First Country: Lai Wenjing

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