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a letter to aliens

Aliens who have never met:


Although I don't know you, I really want to make friends with you. I don't know if you exist, but I still made up my mind to send this letter. Which planet do you live on? Mars? Mercury? Jupiter? Venus? Neptune? ...Do you have a name? Are you four feet, no feet, or two feet? Do you have a father or a mother? Are you good or evil? I think you are good.

I am a primary school student on earth. I am 12 years old this year and I am going to school in the stadium. Earth, you know, from the universe, he is a planet of blue sea and white lace-like clouds. The reason why the earth is full of vitality is because of the large population. He is not far from the sun, so "warm in winter and cool in summer." Unlike other planets, it is not too close to the sun or too far from the sun. And the most important thing is that there is still foreign gas on the earth!

There are so many small animals on the earth, they are very cute, and it is because they are with us human beings that we are not lonely. There are so many trees on earth, and it is them that have made an indispensable contribution to our humanity. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. There are also many buildings on earth, which are “painted” beautiful landscapes for the earth.

The earth is already 4 billion years old this year, and we humans have a history of 200,000 years. If you fly the UFO from the universe, you will see that this elliptical planet is mainly blue, that is the sea, the lowest point of the earth. There are foods that most of us humans depend on - fish, and the salt we have for cooking. In my eyes, most parts of the earth are beautiful, except for the blue sea, green forests, wetlands and grasslands, golden deserts, white glaciers and rivers. We divided the land into seven continents and I live in the largest area of ​​Asia.

Aliens, is your planet beautiful? May I have a visit? I say this because the Earth is facing some worrying issues. There are now 6 billion people on the planet and they are constantly increasing. The changes in the city are astonishingly fast. Take the city of our country, Shanghai. In the past 20 years, more than 3,000 high-rise buildings have been built. There are still hundreds of buildings under construction. More and more people and growing cities allow us to exploit more of the earth's resources, and nature has given us less and less. Some coastal areas are heavily fished, and the big fish in the sea are quickly being harvested, because it is too late to breed and the fish may be extinct. In some places, trees are cut down a lot, and the land where crops can be grown is decreasing, while floods, droughts, and hurricanes are increasing. If one day the earth is going to be destroyed, are you willing to help us?

If you receive my letter and want to come to the earth to see, you must come to me.

Your earth friend

November 6, 2019

Gymnasium Lu Guoxiao sixth grade: Feifeitixiao

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