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Return to Earth after 2000

Two thousand years have passed... I have been in a giant mysterious planet far away from the Earth, where there is much more minerals called the Second Earth. A very large plant surrounds the entire planet, and everything is full of vitality.

I decided to go back to Earth again and see how the earth is. After I flew back to Earth for 3 days per 100000000000000000000 kilometers per spacecraft, my terminal arrived - Earth. I first returned to my country, China, the mother's arms. I looked around and it was very different from before. The earth is very beautiful now. The previous ground was all rubbish. Now the ground is very clean. It is almost one day and one place, and there is no way to compare it. On the way to the road, the car was replaced with a "flying object" like a magnetic levitation, which was extremely fast, but extremely safe and had an automatic safety system. Never hit someone. In the air, there are no more airplanes, underground, there is a high-speed train, close to the speed of light. They are faster than airplanes, but they are more environmentally friendly than airplanes. They are not discharged. In short, the earth is clean and environmentally friendly than before. I am more and more eager to go back. There are no germs on the earth, and people on earth will never get sick. Never worry about dying, because there is no time in the world, no one will die, no wife and no one, people are quiet and peaceful.

After a while, I interrupted me, and I suddenly woke up. It turned out to be a dream. However, I believe that the future is not a dream. "Let's have dinner!" cried Mom. My mom called me to eat, flash first...

Tao Li Yuan Experimental Middle School Grade 6: Gaolu Wilderness

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