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Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Yesterday was the Mid-Autumn Festival. After dinner, my dad and my mother sat happily on the balcony, eating moon cakes while eating grapefruit and enjoying the moon.

A golden round moon has been hung high in the sky, sprinkling a bright moonlight on the ground, gentle like a gauze. The clouds in the sky are very light, the wind is very light, and the moonlight is beautiful, which constitutes a beautiful painting. In the dark blue night sky, the moon looks more round, brighter and more beautiful. Can such a beautiful moon not make people feel excited? This moon is very naughty, and I will get into Yun’s sister’s arms for a while, talk to the stars for a while, sing and dance for a while... I can’t help it. At this time, Dad said: "In fact, the moon will not shine. It is like a mirror that reflects the light of the sun to the earth, so the light is not hot."

Soon, there was a shadow next to the moon. Dad added: "This black shadow is the 'sea' on the moon, but there is no water inside."

what! This bright and bright moon has caused my reverie. "Ah! I know, at this time, I must regret it very much. I really should have the old poem." You should regret stealing the elixir, and the blue sea and the night." Yeah! She secretly looked at the back. Looking at the moon cakes and fruits that I gave, I silently missed the cockroaches. Besides, Wu Gang, is constantly cutting more than 500 liters of laurel trees, cut and long... Yutu concentrating on medicine..."

Mid-Autumn Festival is really happy, not only the moon is round, but people also gather together with their loved ones. The moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival is incredible!

Sixth grade: grapefruit is me

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