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I remember that when I was in my third year of junior high school, in the language class, the teacher seriously lectured, and the students listened to it. I have a whimsy - what happens if there is a strange call? So I learned two cat calls below. When the teacher heard it, he asked sharply: "Who brought the cat to the classroom," suddenly said: "The teacher, it seems to be Ren Jianan." The teacher said: "Ren Jianan, are you bringing the cat?" I am busy. Said: "No, not me." The teacher continued to lecture. After class, the teacher said: "Ren Jianan, you come to the office for a trip." I honestly admitted the mistake to the teacher. The teacher gave me a slap in the face, which made me realize the serious consequences of the disorder in the classroom.

I am such a gangster, but since then, I have never made mistakes in the classroom, and the nature of the adjustment has not been corrected.

I remember that summer, a torrential rain came in a hurry and hurried away. The weather was fine and the rainbow was high. I asked my mother to go outside to rain, and my mother agreed. Our yard is made of cement and the water is crystal clear. I barefooted, struggling with water, and laughter accompanied by splashes of water. I didn't pay attention, I fell, and I was soaked all over. I am afraid that my mother will see it slipping. When the mother came out, she couldn't help but laugh when she saw me wolverine. Then I hurriedly pulled me up and went to the house to change clothes for me.

Hey, I am such a naughty boy. My mother often called me crazy, but I used to listen to it, and didn't care.

Although I am naughty and love the trick, there are many advantages. I am very lively, not small, festival, and love to make friends.

It was a quiet night. I watched the stars with a few friends and suddenly heard the screams. I went looking for them. When I opened the stone, I saw a big cockroach. I slammed and grabbed it. I am happy to yell: "I caught it, I caught it..." When I got home, my mother said, "The mad kejie is really amazing, and everything can be caught."

I am an ordinary student, and everyone knows my character! But I don't want to change myself, I am still me.

Sixth grade: Jiang Kejie

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