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Happy to "steal"

"Stealing" I never thought it was a good thing, only that it was unethical. Once, I changed this view and felt the joy of "stealing".

I will soon take the final exam. My mother forced me to review every day, and the heavy burden made me breathless. Today, I finished my homework early, and after reviewing it, I took out my favorite "Looking for Happy Island" and looked at it with great interest. This is, my mother came in and saw that I was reading an extracurricular book. If I didn't say anything, I would "take" my book. I grievously said to my mother: "My mother's homework was finished, and I finished my review." Mom calmly said, "At the end of the period, you still have the heart to read the extracurricular books? Take the textbooks out!" I had to take out the textbooks. Start with the text.

After a while, Mom and Dad went out. When I saw no one at home, I crept to the study room, carefully took out the book that was confiscated by my mother, and fled back to the room. Going back to the room, I slid my head out of the room like a fox, looking left and right, afraid that my father and mother would suddenly go home. After checking it for a while, I went back to the room and looked at the book with great interest.

Half an hour, an hour, an hour and a half... Time flies like a sand in the hourglass. At this moment, a sudden sound of footsteps sounded. "It's not good, it must be that my mother is back!" My heart was "squeaky" and sank. I immediately hid the book under the pillow, took the textbook out of the thunder and quickly, and looked at the book in a pretentious manner. Five minutes have passed, and Mom and Dad have not yet entered the door. Huh? strange! I couldn't help but ran out of the door. It turned out to be the voice of the neighbors going upstairs.

I sneaked back into the room, and my heart was up and down. I was afraid that my mom and dad would be back soon. I checked it again and locked the door, so I looked at the book with peace of mind. what! I finally saw the book with satisfaction.

Ha ha! The taste of stealing is really sour and bitter. I am not only "stolen" to the time of reading, but also "stealing" to the pleasure of reading, I am so happy!

Sixth grade: Wang Yan

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