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Puppy who is no longer picky eaters

Puppies want to be picky eaters, always do not eat, then do not eat, only snacks. Even his staple food - meat bones do not eat. He is still short and thin, and someone sends him a nickname called "skinny dog."

It should be lunch at noon one day. Mother repeatedly urged, the dog Wangwang reluctantly walked to the dinner table, sitting in a chair, a frowning look, the mouth is still high. On the table is his favorite meat bone, but he has no appetite. Want Want to go out to play, then turned and went outside, my mother quickly strode over the meteor, but Wang Wang said: "I don't eat, I am not hungry..." Mom said: "If you don't eat, you will get sick, and everyone else Call you 'short-skinned dog'!" Mom wants to catch Wangwang, but Wangwang has long since disappeared.

Wangwang walked outside. Suddenly a wolf saw Wangwang and chased after him. Wangwang was caught up by the wolf. He suddenly jumped into the grass and ran home along the grass.

One morning, Wangwang was weak, dizzy, and even wandering. My mother quickly dialed 120 and sent Wangwang to the hospital. The dog doctor said to him: "Dizziness is caused by picky eaters, picky eaters. Malnutrition, if you don't eat again, it may also threaten your life. It will be good if you take medicine on time after you go home. Want Want nodded quickly."

Want Want did what the dog doctor told him. Since then, he has never been dizzy and his body is strong.

Third grade: Li Yan

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