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Bubble that will change color

Today, my little friend and I are blowing bubbles downstairs. We licked some soapy water first, blowing in the east, blowing in the west, blowing bubbles and flying. "Look!" a small partner shouted: "The bubbles are colored!" The bubbles become colored? I was thinking strangely, I couldn’t help but look up, "Wow!" The bubbles are like little white rabbits, some like small flower dogs, and some stick tightly together. They look like a crystal casting. Crystal Castle, flying to the sky.

Suddenly a "?" in my mind: Why does the bubble become colorful? I am anxious to go home and ask my father. "Colorless sunlight is actually a complex light composed of seven kinds of monochromatic light of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. The bubble is colored because it reflects the sunlight." Dad told me .

It turns out that the bubble is because the light that refracts the illuminating object becomes colorful. Rodin said that "life should be good at finding out." There is science everywhere in life, waiting for us all to explore!

Third grade: Zhong Yining

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