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I can't forget that.

In the life of elementary school, there have been many things that I will never forget. However, due to the passage of time, some past events have been forgotten. However, one thing has been deeply imprinted on my mind and I have not forgotten it for a long time. Whenever I recall this, I always feel embarrassed.

That was when I was in the fourth grade, a teacher's day came. Every classmate in the class is ready to give the teacher a surprise, and some students have prepared gifts. I am very upset about this! Because this month, my mother refused to give me pocket money, saying that I must take an exam to test "excellent". If you can't get it, the one-year pocket money will not be given. When my mother just spoke, I still thought, don’t give it! Anyway, I don't have to wait for money, hehe! See what do you do? At that time, how firm my attitude was! But now, hey! I told my mother that it was nice, Mom didn't listen; I helped my mother with housework, and the mother pretended not to see it. I can't do anything at the moment... I came to school, I want to borrow money with my classmates, and I feel too shameful. I want to know that I am a person who loves face!

In the afternoon, it was my turn to clean up with Xiaoli at the same table. I look downcast, because tomorrow is Teacher's Day, I will definitely... ah! I dare not think about it. Just when I was bored, Xiaoli suddenly said to me: "Ding Shan, I dumped the garbage, you wiped the blackboard." Then he walked out of the classroom. Suddenly, I looked at the figure that Xiaoli had gone, and there was a thought in my mind... I didn’t think much more. I walked into Xiaoli’s position in three steps and walked with my heart, shaking my hands. I quickly took out a beautiful pen from my bag and took my own bag. I saw the ghost and ran out of the classroom... The pen that I took out of my bag was brought back from the United States by Xiaoli’s father. This pen Xiaoli likes it very much and often takes it with her. Teacher's Day Xiaoli is going to give it to the teacher, but I am...

The next day, the whole school classmates ate stimulants. When I came to the school, I heard a cheer in the school. Although, like many of my classmates, I smiled and talked about what gifts they were giving. But in my heart, it is inevitable that I am still a little uneasy. In this way, the Teacher's Day celebration began. The playground was awkward and the students were holding their own gifts. I am no exception, but I put the pen in the gift box. I saw with my own eyes that when we gave the gift to the teacher, Xiaoli was in a hurry to find a pen in her bag. At this time, a feeling that I had never had before came to my heart and made me feel overwhelmed. Suddenly, a classmate who loves to swear, said: "Hey, Xiaoli, are you not bringing a gift! You are too..." In a word, the whole class was silent, and then, it was a sneer. Xiao Li is very embarrassed, let alone not to mention...

After this incident, I feel so sorry for Xiaoli. But I didn't have the courage to tell the truth to her, hehe! I really don't know what to do! Only endless jealousy and self-blame...

I will never forget this.

Third grade: Lin Junjie

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