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Not crying

Life is a big stage for testing people. Optimists always maintain a positive heart, while pessimists have a restless heart. Both are waiting for the fate of the arrangement. And God prefers optimists, let them have enough food and clothing; pessimists only have to wait for food.

Life will be unremarkable, there will always be unexpected situations, such as the pressure of learning, the failure of the exam, the tender heart is unbearable. At this time, crying is strong, tears are weak, and the tide is strong.

Although crying is a release, a catharsis, does this not indicate that you are bowing to difficulties?

If you can change everything and solve all problems, I am willing to wash my face in tears every day! So don't cry, be strong!

Don't cry, look forward, don't look back, don't do the frog at the bottom of the well, look to the future; look up, don't look down, you can't look at the light, lose the opportunity!

Do not cry, good life favors people with lofty ideals!

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