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Revelation in life

Yesterday, my father took me to school. However, on the way to school, I was blocked by traffic. I was in a hurry. Suddenly, I saw a bicycle driving freely, like a little swallow, free in the wide sky. Fly freely. I was thinking at the time: such a good car is actually slower than a bicycle.

I thought about it, my heart suddenly became clear, I thought: If my study is like a car, I am going to compete with a bicycle, and I will reach the end soon. If I am not serious in the middle, then it is like The car has no oil and the car is blocked. In that case, the bicycle will reach the end soon. When you start, you can learn how to learn, how can you be faster than a bicycle, just like a rabbit racing rabbit, how can you catch up?

I think: I must study hard and become a good student, just like a car with excellent appearance and never falling behind.

Shishan Guoxiao 4<7> Class, Luzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Yuan Jinzhe

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