Composition Home > 国小作文 > Three-year essay > Debate paper


1. Chinese Americans and Jews drink together and three flies fly into their drinks. The Americans had an important cup. The Chinese did not bother to drink it. The Jews shouted out the flies and shouted: "Spit it out! Spit it out!"

2, a farmer's daughter is so ugly, he had to let her go to the cornfield as a scarecrow to scare the crow. As a result, she not only scared the crow away, but even three crows scared to send some corn back.

3, a customer angered into the tailor shop, pointing to the fashion designed by the owner to say: "I stand at the corner of the street and yawn, two people put the letter into my mouth!"

4. Two birds saw a hunter aiming at them, and one said: "You protect the scene and I call the police."

5. Learn foreigners who speak Mandarin. In the morning, I greeted the female secretary. "Are you good?" Miss glanced at him. He glanced at him and immediately said to her, "Mom, hello!"

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