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Feelings of life

The feeling of "creating the net" is really bad. I don't have the essence of composition every time, I really want to cry! ! Ugh…………

Success and failure of a person are common things in the military. I don’t know what to do if I want to do it. I think my composition is not very good! Maybe didn't pay attention to my composition, or...

At this time, I saw a mosquito, "hey...", flying around, so noisy. I think people are just like mosquitoes. They live and die. When others don't notice it, it is glad that they have not been discovered. However, after a while, the living mosquitoes have become blurred!

People, want to be a star all their lives, but do not practice? If you don't work well with others, how can you become famous? But how many have become stars? In the eyes of the teacher, writing is my weakness. I often use puzzles to make me difficult. I am often punished for not being able to be punished. Hey, is life like this?

I think the stars in the sky, and sometimes I don't know how to be good. Ugh……

"The stars in the sky are weeping, the roses on the ground are withered, the cold wind is blowing, the cold wind is blowing, who are you missing..." I sang my favorite song, I forgot my pain, thought...

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