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Actually, I am really happy.

Just finished reading the dreams again.

Feeling very tragic.

Why do you want Lu Syria to die? !

You let Gu Xiaobei die.

I can't bear to see someone who Lin Biao doesn't really like.

For Lin Biao to pay so much..

The result is:

They are all memories of childhood memories.

4. You made me cry.

Your story ending seems to be full of sadness.

Wei Wei. Xiaobei. Lin Biao. Match. Wen Qian. Lu Xu. Bai Song. And that I hate Yao Yao and Li Moli.

you guys..

You all..

It’s all like this.

Turn on the computer in the middle of the night..

Very tragic to start watching Q chat records....

I stumbled upon the Q of my home on my Q.

do not know why..

I shed tears again.

I always thought..

I am so lonely.

I will only open my heart to those I like.

I have only used a fictional mask to face a fiery face.

Just did not expect that is:

There are so many people who remember me..

I want to fall in love with me.

These ones..

With these.. I am enough..

in fact.

I am already very happy.

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