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Choose strong

Choose strong

The road to life is not smooth sailing. In the face of failure, face setbacks, and face of pain, there are often many choices: strong, retreating, or halfway. However, that time, I chose to be strong.

I remember that when I was in the fifth grade, the school held a painting competition and let the students contribute. I love it.

When I was drawing well, I drew a picture and handed it in. As a result, when I was confident that I would be selected, I heard it.

Deafening message; I lost the election. I suddenly fell in confidence and felt very sad. When I got home, I was off.

I burst into tears in the room. At this time, I heard the news from the opposite side.

Seeing the rainbow..........'' This song can’t help but think of the success of many scientists, so

I immediately wiped away my tears and thought in my heart; yes, I can’t lose confidence in myself, I want to be strong. Yes, choose

Strong! So, after a few months, I participated in the same competition and finally won the third prize, the certificate

Just laughing, this blinks at me!

Through this experience, I realized that strong choices will make your life colorful.


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