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food safety

food safety

As the saying goes, "people take food for the sky." Nowadays, food safety has become the most popular topic in China. After analysis, I found that there are many reasons for the occurrence of food and drug safety accidents. The three most important reasons are that the food safety management work is backward; the standards for inspection and testing are not high enough to prevent and stop the sale. Technology is not perfect enough for these three aspects. If these techniques and methods are not solved, then he will directly affect the health of the hot body, which is related to human life. It stands to reason that food safety forces should be, but at this time, who can guarantee what video is safe? Food safety should not be a good time to pass the warranty period. Those who are obsessed with their own conscience, earning black money, and blocking the health of the people, how shameful!

The safety of food has once again sounded the alarm. Relevant departments should pay attention to food safety issues, improve food hygiene supervision and inspection capabilities, detect hidden dangers in time, and prevent problems before they occur. This is an urgent task in front of relevant departments!

Where is food safety?

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