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Future robot

That night, the sky was very dark, I was still on the Internet, and suddenly a robot came out of the screen. I was not afraid. I actually took the initiative to play with him. The curiosity and excitement in my heart suppressed my feeling of fear. We soon became familiar with it, and I named him "Little Ape".

Xiao Yan is very cute, full-bodied, with a chubby big head, a pair of big eyes, a flat little nose and a big mouth that can speak. See you. When I finished my homework, I played with Xiao Xiao. I didn’t expect Xiao Xiao to propose to play chess with me. I was dubiously accepting it. The challenge was that I didn't expect the mind of "Xiaoxiao" to be so flexible and so developed. First of all, I started the game with a gun, and I used the gun to level two and five, and "Xiaoying" immediately went into the horse eight times. At this moment, it suddenly came out " After the horse, I was caught off guard and lost a "car" and a "phase". I was anxious and ordered the whole line to attack. As a result, I lost a "horse" and two "cannons", which made me feel confused. After losing this, Khan also soaked the clothes. After a few rounds, I lost the battle, and I was so sloppy. He smiled smugly at me. The smart robot is smart! There is also a cleaning, the whole family It’s early and late, and it’s been cleaned up for a week. “Xiaoyan” volunteered to take care of the cleaning task. I saw a broom in the belly and a shackle, as long as it was a little dirty. It will run over and sweep clean, even the sofa and the bottom of the bed will not let go. After the sweep, it is also carefully wiped with a rag, the floor will become spotless. The magic of "small dragonfly" is more than this, once When the mother was cooking, a lot of fume got us to cough straight, and the "small cockroach" saw it. The big mouth slammed into the mouth, and then slammed into the mouth, then blew the smoke out the window. I was drained by Xiao Xiao, and in a short while, my home was refreshed and refreshed. I was so happy that I really wanted to have a warm hug with it. The magical and clever "Little Xiao" helped us a lot. It also brought joy to me and this family.

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