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Spring Festival Determination

Party members and comrades who fought in the front line of the Spring Festival:
In accordance with the work arrangements of the party committees of the central, provincial, municipal, and bureaus, the educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members have been vigorously launched in the entire system of the Municipal Transportation Bureau. The party's advanced nature construction is a basic project to comprehensively improve the quality of party members and further strengthen the building of party members and grassroots party organizations. It is an urgent need to promote the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the transportation industry. As a window industry closely related to the production and life of the people, the transportation industry party committee proposed that in the educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members, we must strive to be a demonstration point and must be at the forefront of the city. For this reason, the party committee of the bureau put forward higher requirements for the advanced nature education activities within the system and placed high hopes on it. At present, we are fighting on the front line of the busy Spring Festival, to complete the Spring Festival this year for the victory. On the occasion of the upcoming Spring Festival, we will combine the education activities to maintain the advanced nature of the Communist Party members, and let the party flag fly in the Spring Festival and let the party emblem The theme of the flash in the Spring Festival, the party members of the bus rental company of the CPC Xiangyang Passenger Transport Co., Ltd. issued an initiative to the majority of party members who fought in the front line of the Spring Festival:
First, Yongzheng advanced is currently in the Spring Festival period. With the arrival of the peak passenger traffic, the production task is very arduous and arduous. We must correctly handle the relationship between advanced education and the Spring Festival travel, while doing a good job of production, in accordance with the requirements of the Party Committee and the company. Actively participate in the educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members, ensure that the educational activities and the Spring Festival work are "two mistakes", and strive to advance the advanced nature education activities, and improve the party members' ideological understanding, and the economic benefits of enterprises will rise one step.
Second, the safety of the Spring Festival to establish a safety awareness, strive to be a safe example, participate in safe learning, abide by laws and regulations, do not overspeed, not overload, do not smash red lights, do not mess around, do not randomly change the line, do not fatigue driving; do not stop We will not open the door and leave the door, do not drive the door and do not drive; do a good job in the daily maintenance and maintenance of the vehicle, and earnestly implement the "return to the field must check, qualified release" security inspection system to ensure the car capacity; obey the traffic police management, obey the company command, Strengthen the "three products" check and block work to ensure the safety of the Spring Festival.
Third, standardize business compliance with discipline, love and dedication, honesty and trustworthiness, no certificate, no private price increase, no unreasonable refusal, no string operation, no slaughter, standard punctuality, service standards, strict professional ethics, Strive to be a model of the industry, resolutely fight with the actual situation and the unhealthy trend of the industry, and make its own positive contribution to maintaining the standardization and orderly of the Spring Festival transportation market.
4. Civilized service seriously provides high-quality and efficient services to passengers in accordance with service commitments. It uses civilized language, attitude and ambiguity, full of energy, smiles generously, supports the elderly and is helpful, keeps the car quality in good condition, and the corporate logo and supervision phone are obvious. The carriages are clean and tidy, and the facilities and convenience items are complete, so that passengers who travel by car can get comfortable, safe and fast service, and the quality service will run through the whole process of Spring Festival travel to establish the image of the industry.
V. Pioneering and Innovating This year, the Municipal Party Committee proposed to use the "two struggles" as the starting point and "three creations" as the general requirements to promote the overall economic and social development of the city. According to this spirit, in the year-round work plan, the municipal bureau has formulated the “Ten Projects” and “Six Major Projects”. We must use this advanced nature education activity as the driving force to recognize the situation and build confidence and focus on the center. Serve the overall situation, strive for progress, pioneering and innovative, high-quality, high-efficiency to complete the work throughout the year. The Spring Festival is the first peak season in the beginning of the year. We must actively think about ways, suggestions, and actions around security, service, and efficiency. We will unite and lead the workers and people to charge forward, work hard, and truly play the vanguard and exemplary role of the Communists. Achieve the contribution of the year-round transportation work.
Party members and comrades, let us join hands and work together to do the Spring Festival work in XX, truly "the party flag flutters in the Spring Festival, the party emblem shines in the Spring Festival", in order to show the good window image of the transportation industry, for the traffic The sustained, healthy and stable development of the cause contributes!

Congratulations to the comrades for a happy new year, a happy family, and good luck!

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