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"Create a civilized city" determination

On the occasion of the establishment of “provincial civilized city” in Lianyungang, I am honored to stand here and represent the teachers and students of the Ministry of Electrical and Mechanical Affairs to read this resolution as follows:

1. Actively echoing the call of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, actively echoing the call of the school and the department, working together, uniting and fighting for the final victory of the city's “creation of a civilized city”.

2. Actively participate in the activities of “welcoming the Olympics, stressing civilization, and building new winds”, striving to be civilized citizens, inspiring their enthusiasm for creation, and building our beautiful and harmonious Lianyungang City.

3, starting from me, starting from small things, starting from now, starting from bit by bit, declaring war on uncivilized behavior, bidding farewell to uncivilized behavior, gradually developing good habits, hygiene habits and traffic habits .

4, "Create a civilized campus, do civilized students", abide by social morality, develop a civilized and elegant personal quality and behavioral norms; cultivate a good academic style, and put all energy into learning.

5. Our slogan is: “New semester, new weather, new starting point, new progress”; “Let the soul be noble, let the behavior be civilized, let the environment be elegant”; “Optimize the campus environment, build a civilized campus”; "Ban, the new century of the tree"; "not to be small and not to be small, not to be evil"; "starting from me and starting from the beginning to start small things"; "creating a civilized city to start from the subtleties"

Classmates, the 21st century is an era of knowledge economy. This new era puts forward new requirements for the comprehensive quality and innovative spirit of talents. Contemporary vocational school students have certain professional qualities and master certain scientific and cultural knowledge. At the same time, there are also phenomena of basic civilized cultivation and poor public moral cultivation. In order to keep up with the pace of the times and promote the improvement of the overall quality of our students, let us act quickly, consciously establish a good image, inspire ourselves to work hard, improve our style of study, school spirit, and further promote the quality education and spiritual civilization construction of our school. Efforts to make ourselves a qualified successor to China's modern construction industry. Come on, classmates! Thank you!

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