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Whale's self-report

Hello, everyone! I am from the vast ocean, my name is whale.

Do you want to know me? Let me introduce myself! Among our whale families, the largest whale weighs about 160,000 kilograms, and the smallest one weighs two thousand kilograms! My mouth is very big and can accommodate large fat pigs weighing several thousand kilograms.

We live in the ocean, because people are like fish, people call us whales. In fact, we are not fish, but mammals. In ancient times, our ancestors lived on land like the ancestors of cattle and sheep, but then the environment changed, and our ancestors lived in shallow seas close to the land. After a long, long time, we became whales.

We have a variety of whales, including beluga whales and blue whales... In general, they can be divided into two categories, one is whales and has no teeth; the other is toothed whales with sharp teeth. I belong to baleen whales. We need whales to eat small fish and shrimp. When we swim in the ocean, we can suck many small fish and shrimp together with sea water with our mouth open, and then close the mouth and take the sea water. Filter out the middle of the plate and swallow the small fish and shrimp into the stomach. You can eat more than 2,000 kilograms in one meal. However, there is a kind of killer whale that is known as "the tiger in the sea". Often dozens of heads surround a more than 30 tons of fin whales, which can be eaten in a few hours. Therefore, I am afraid of them. What is even more frightening is that humans often come here to fight us, so we are getting fewer and fewer types.

How, after listening to my introduction, do you like me very much? At the same time, I would also like to appeal to people to let go of the knife in their hands, let us build a harmonious home together, and let our homes be harmonious.

Dongcheng District, Beijing. The fifth grade of Jingshan School: very excessive

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