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Self-report of Xiaodao

I am a small rice glutinous rice, and I lived happily in a crop field with my family. But I am tired of life in the field, I feel that I am too bored in this watery land.

I want to fly, I want to travel around! Mita Inada gently advised me that my brothers and sisters have also retained, but I have decided to go, and no one can hear it. Finally, one day, I flew away in a strong wind. Oh, the feeling of flying is so good! I flew to a river and saw the fish shaking their tails cheerfully in the crystal clear river. Hey, I want to dance with the little fish! I jumped into the water and swayed and wanted to join them, but the little fish swam like a unified commander. Really disappointing! I climbed ashore and dried up to continue flying.

I flew low, and I was smashed by the small sparrow, and the stone that the eagle flew up smashed down and it hurt. "This place should not stay for a long time!" I bite my teeth and insist on flying. I am too tired and too tired to fly high, and the wind can't help me. My roots have shrunk, my lips are cracked, and the original green leaves are yellowed. I fell from the sky and fell into a mud pit. I struggled weakly, I wanted to climb out, but my body was getting deeper and deeper... I am going to die! I closed my eyes desperately...

I can't help but think of the mother of rice field, but where is the mother now? My eyes finally ooze tears, it is the tears of remorse! I regret the sparrow, regret the eagle, and repent of myself!

Fifth grade: dream fog

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