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Starlight? A dance music (outpost??

The weather in early summer is breathless. The students in the classroom are sleepy, and only a few sparrows on the pole are still screaming. I stare at them and hope for myself. Also unfettered to them... OO
"Han Momo, please answer the solution to this question. Han Momo, Han Momo!"
"Ah, the correct solution to this question is..." I stared at the teacher who was trembling on the podium, and looked at the strange characters on the blackboard that I could not understand. I don't know how to step down. .
"Page 25, line 4." This is my "storage" at the same table, I sweared at him. Shouldn't you believe him? If it is right, then of course it is good, but if it is wrong The consequences will be unimaginable...=.=
No matter what, better than not saying it! "The prince gently lifted the princess's chin and said, 'Marry me, okay?'..." I haven't waited for me to finish, the whole class has already laughed. The teacher's face is The gas is red: "Han Momo, go and run me around the playground for 10 laps!"
It seems that I have been used to this kind of "treatment". I am a little numbly out of the classroom that I hate, and I came to the clean playground...
One lap, two laps, three laps, six laps...
The huge playground seems to be a circle that can never run, I finally stopped...
“Is it not worthy of happiness at all?” It’s like talking to himself and asking, I’m asking weakly. “Come on Mingde, where you may be able to find the happiness you want. ."
I looked up, the glaring sun made me unable to open my eyes. "Who are you?" I asked.
No answer... but I know that he is a mysterious boy...
Looking up again, the boy has come out of my sight...
Is it really like what he said: When I go to Mingde, will I find happiness?
To be continued...
PS: The first time to write, the writing is not good, do not reject the draft.

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