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Balcony of jasmine

I planted a pot of jasmine on the balcony of the dormitory where I lived. She grew very healthy, the leaves were bright green, bright green, and very lively. She was on the street one night of my second week of study here. I spent 15 yuan to buy it back. When I bought it, I only had a few pieces, and I was full of life. leaf. Now, half a month has passed. Although she is not as good as she is, she is much better than when she bought it. I am very green. When I come back from school, I will come to see my pot of jasmine. See if she is growing taller, and whether it has become more lively. When the breeze blows, her branches and leaves will shake. Like a girl who dances, it is like a butterfly in the air. It is so fascinating, as if to know that the master is tired of studying one day, and specially presented a performance. When it rains, the rain drops on the leaves, slipping from the leaves into the basin, and it is like a boyish boy. Playing there, cheerful, innocent. The human heart is so clean, so natural. I don't care. This is the wind, the movement, or the heartbeat. The exhaustion of one day's study is also gone.

I always feel that plants are also spiritual. What kind of heart you use for her, she will also treat you with the same heart. You often water her and care for her. She will grow alive and green. Also with your natural mood. You have hatred in your heart, dissatisfaction with things in life, and anger in your heart. You will find that the flowers and plants seem to understand what they are, they are weak and their leaves are yellow. Even, she did not see her new leaves for a while.

Flowers and plants are also a reflection of the human heart. Hello, she is good. Whether it is a state of mind or a situation.

In life, busy, we may not have time to stay and see the flowers. Not to mention raising flowers. The heart may have been full of names and interests. But I still feel that if you want your soul and heart, you can return to nature. Don't prevent a pot of your favorite flowers on your balcony.

Fifth grade: Hui Mengru

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