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Grandfather's Brazilian tortoise

Grandpa’s family has three cute Brazilian tortoises. One female, two male, they live happily like a family.

In the morning, if I have a chance, I must witness them eating. How funny they are, like a clown performing for people. The two males are very reckless, striding toward the food, but the water is also flowing, how can they not eat. When they came to the food, they ate their mouths at the food and they ate the mouth. It was hard to eat the food later. But the female, can be smart. When she waited for the food to float in front of her, she pointed at the food and ate it. I think two male turtles must be stunned.

After eating breakfast, they wanted to bask in the sun. Neatly put out the "one-word sun-yang style", one is to open the word, adjust the position, "with sunglasses", facing the sun. In the sun, some turtles fell asleep. Then the other turtles climbed onto the sleeping turtle and let the body absorb the sun in all directions. Sometimes it depends on luck. The turtle does not necessarily fall asleep. When he moves, the turtle crawling on him may fall into the "bottom day." Fortunately, after the training of my little "yoga master", I successfully turned over my body. However, there is often a burst of water.

In the evening, my grandmother always put them on the balcony and then did exercises. They stretched their heads long and seemed to want to see the beautiful park. I put them down, and they pulled the rafts down the water and floated to their mouths. The big male turtle didn't matter, and put the jingle on the pillow and fell asleep. The other two turtles are far away from each other and do not touch a little.

In the evening, don't think that they have no movements, but as soon as they go to sleep, the balcony will come. "Hey, hey, hey, hey," they are patted in the basin, as if they are playing a concert. My grandfather and I enjoyed this wonderful music every night.

A bunch of cute Brazilian tortoises!

Fifth grade: jmxhljp

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