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Small vine flower

Under the eaves of my balcony, there is a pot of dripping Guanyin, and the green and green leaves are very beautiful. I don’t know when it’s roots sneak out of a green vine. Since then, there’s no beautiful dripping Guanyin in my eyes, and I’ve had a different feeling for this little vine.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is an insignificant little vine. Those who don't understand "pity and cherish the jade" are likely to regard it as a weed, and even unscrupulously uproot it and "deported." But in my eyes, this pot of Guanyin is more energetic because of its existence. You see, it is such a favorite. The green leaves are in the shape of "heart". The diameter of the billiard ball is generally large. Each leaf always grows at a distance, and it is not crowded, but it is so patchy and orderly. The most attractive is its stem. It is said to be a stem. It is better to say that it is a beard, a silk, and there is no thick and straight roots from head to toe. Only the winding, curved stems are so soft and light. This stem is like a lively elf, gently bypassing the roots of the dripping Guanyin, gently bypassing the leaves of the dripping Guanyin, gently bypassing the top of the dripping Guanyin, climbing up to the end, at the end of the stem I played a few circles, like the petals of a flower, so I gave it a nice name called "Little Vine Flower."

The growth rate of the small vine flower surprised me. It can grow more than 10 centimeters a day. In the morning, it is still at the bottom of the leaves of Guanyin. At night, it quietly extends the top of the leaves. Its possessiveness is also particularly strong, flowering scattered leaves, soldiers divided into several roads, and in a few days, a dripping Guanyin was wrapped up, and it became its world. Above the dripping water Guanyin is a potted green hanging basket. The long vine branches hang down from the eaves. This gives the small vines the goal of growing: I must wrap the basket, climb the eaves, climb to the roof, and reach the sky. Just like the famous writer Xiao Hong's "Herlan River Biography" described: .... If corn is willing to grow taller, it will grow taller. If he is willing to go to heaven, no one will control it. . . . With the goal, it grew faster, and unconsciously, I suddenly found out that it had happily climbed the vine of the hanging basket. At this time, I found that the upper and lower sides of the eaves had become a green bond. A gust of wind blew, the long small vines swayed with the wind, and the green leaves waved to me. It seemed to share the joy of success: Hey, how powerful I am, how high I want to climb! At this time, I was impressed by its perseverance, and it became clear that this small little vine flower would try to climb for a goal. Can we not understand something from it? Yes, we should have the goal of forging ahead, and work hard along this goal, in order to be able to reach the other side of victory on this road of forging ahead, in order to show a brilliant smile after success. At this time, I also understood why I always pay attention to it these days, so I love it because it has a perseverance and a tenacious vitality, which brings me new joy and revelation. Deeply left in my memory, I will give me strength in my later life, whether it is good or bad, and encourage myself to win!

Thank you, my stubborn and unyielding little vine flower, life is wonderful for you!

Fifth grade: Wu Yuying

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