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Cute little sparrow

The little sparrow had a pair of black, shiny little eyes, a bright yellow pointed mouth, and a flaming mane on his head, as if carrying a square headband. There are also a few dark brown spots on its back. When it rests on the branches, the tail consisting of three brown hairs is always swinging up and down, and the little eyes are still looking around from time to time. I don't know what it is looking for, it is very cute. Some sparrows have some green or dark blue fluff on their necks, which is very eye-catching.

Little sparrows use movements to express their emotions. When you are happy, your head is shaking your tail; when you are angry and impatient, your upper wings are unfolding, and your hair is standing up, as if each hair represents its anger. It turns out that the little sparrow is not easy to provoke, if it is angry and angry, Maybe your hand will be smashed by its skin, so don't mess with the little sparrow.

I like the cute and small look of the sparrows, like their cheerful screams, and prefer the sultry expression of it. I like little sparrows!

Fifth grade: Liu Tong

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