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Puppy "Little White"

I have a puppy in my family. His name is Xiaobai. It is only 3 months old.

The white hair of the white body is as white as snow. At first glance, it looks like a big snowball. The round dog's face is inlaid with a pair of black jewel-like eyes. Two small ears are always pulled. Xiao Bai often sticks out the apple-like red tongue and licks his little nose that is slightly tilted.

Xiaobai is only a few months old, so I only drink milk every time I eat. Every time Bai Bai drinks milk, he always sticks out his little tongue and licks it, it is so cute! In the winter, Xiaobai likes to sleep on my copier. Because in winter, where is the warmest, my dad always can't copy the information in the winter, and can't tell the boss.

Xiaobai and I are the most intimate. As long as I am at home, he always chases after me. When he catches up with me, it licks my face. Whenever I clap my hands and make a look at it, it will straighten up and stand up like a human, shaking my body and hoping to plunge into my arms.

Every time Xiaobai eats, he will grab something with the little white rabbit "Xiaoke". Small can't always grab, so I often come to me to "sue". Every now and then, I will rush back to the kennel. Xiaobai faced the "wind and rain" and was so stunned that he had to shrink his body into a group and looked at me pitifully. My heart was soft, and my anger just went to the clouds. So I picked it up and went back to the room to play, but for a while, you see, it can't find the North again!

The puppy "Little White" has brought me unlimited joy and fun, I will always love it!

Fifth grade: Li Xinxin

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