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On the first day, we let go of our dreams.

At the pace of curiosity, we stepped into the mid-life of the country that will begin three years from the national level. In this new country life, everyone has a dream, and everyone can walk into the dazzling dream realm and become their own NO.1.

The first day is the day we pursue our dreams. Each of us has a dream, and when we hold our dreams carefully, every dream becomes so precious. If you are born in China, you may be able to fight for your dreams. We don't need parents, don't need teachers, don't need care, just simply fight for our ideals and let ourselves not regret.

The first day is the day when we let go of our dreams. The eight characters of "to shoulder the world, the pursuit of excellence" are radiant by the sun, however, his brighter light is in our hearts. To release your dreams, you must strengthen your beliefs. In the middle stage, there are sweet and bitter. When you encounter difficulties and setbacks, you must calm down and face the problem bravely. If one day, you find yourself not working, then please yell at the sky: "I am the best!" Save yourself from the sinking world.

Today, we are proud of Hongli; tomorrow, Hongli is wonderful for me. Today is the day when we let go of our dreams. Tomorrow, watch our dreams fly.

Henan Hongli School, the first day: Wang Yijing

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