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Walking through the afterglow of the setting sun, facing the Xujiang River wind, we are quietly waiting for the wonders of the world on the ancient seawall - the arrival of the first wave of Haining.

"Hey--" finally heard the sound of the tide in the distance, this voice just started as a bee sting, and suddenly disappeared in the long-awaited cheers of the classmates.

Gradually the whistling sound of the tide buried the loud throat of the students. The sound of this tide was like a snarling thunder coming from a distance. The spectacular tide was approaching. At this time, I seemed to be on a battlefield without smoke. Listening to the ground, the horse's running sound is getting closer and closer, and the shouting and killing on the battlefield goes on.

I looked at the endless Qiantang River and looked down. The yellow-brown river was like dust and flew toward us.

The tide is like a snow-capped mountain, and the horses are rushing, and the earth is shaking; the mountains are moving, the earth is moving, the river is flying, the people are shaking, the heart is shaking, just when you sigh the magic of nature, this arrogant tidal wave It has already flown from the front, leaving the waves of the river full of waves. The students' cameras kept the highlights. However, how can the numerous films retain the Pentium River.

After the tide, the big troops followed closely. This spectacular scene, like the generals, led the army and marched into the West.

The river surface after the tide is even more beautiful. The waves on the Qiantang River are coming one after another. Is the general returning to victory? Still staying in the distance? The river surface in the sunset can't be calmed for a long time, and the tide is still running...

I looked at the rivers and rivers, and I couldn't help but see the magnificent poems that Chairman Mao Zedong felt after the tide of watching the tide: thousands of miles of waves rolled in/snow flies to the Diaoyutai/people's mountains and praised the lineup/iron horse calmly killing the enemy back. . Many students sang in the face of Dajiang.

When the car horn urged us to get on the bus, many students were reluctant to go to Haining. The waterbirds on the riverside were on our heads. It seemed like a farewell. It seemed like nostalgia. The driver took us to the tide and finally it left us far away. Behind, running alone in the distance...

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