Party-related > Teacher application for membership

An experimental national small teacher joining the party application

Dear Experimental Country Small Party Branch:

I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China and are willing to fight for the cause of communism for life.

My father is an old underground party member. Under his edification, I sincerely loved the party since childhood and regarded the party that can join such a great glory and correctness as the greatest glory and pride.

After joining the work, I actively moved closer to the party organization and submitted the application to the organization every year. Under the care and education of the organization and leadership, it has undergone three trainings of the party school. Because of the standards and requirements of leaving the party, the gap is still relatively large. If the problem is not mature enough and the level of political theory is not high, it still needs to be tested. For thirteen years, I hope every year, I am disappointed every year, but I am not discouraged. On the contrary, I am more and more frustrated and have a better understanding of the party.

Through years of study of Marxist theory and party history, and through party education and training, I profoundly realized that China’s **** is based on Marxism-Leninism, ##思想, and Deng Xiaoping Theory. The party armed with advanced theory is the party that serves the people wholeheartedly, is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, is the faithful representative of the interests of the Chinese people, is the core of the leadership of China's socialist cause, and leads the people of the whole country to further prosperity and prosperity. Party.

The reason why China’s *** is “the vanguard”, “faithful representative” and “leading core” is formed through long-term struggle tests. There has never been a political organization in the world that, like our party, has concentrated so many advanced elements, has always maintained close ties with the people, always represents the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, and is good at summing up experience and solemnly treating it in the process of advancement. My own mistakes, formed and adhered to the correct theory and line, and led the people to achieve great victory in revolution and construction.

I firmly believe that the party-led people have written a great chapter in the 20th century and will certainly be able to write a more glorious new chapter in the 21st century. With the correct leadership of China, we can overcome any difficulties and obstacles. The grand goal of the cross-century will be realized. A prosperous, strong, highly democratic and highly civilized modern socialist country will surely be in the 21st. The middle of the century stands in the forest of the nations of the world. I am determined to work hard, be proactive, and contribute to the realization of the highest ideals under the training and assistance of the party organization.

In the future, I will work harder, study Marxism-Leninism, ##思思,邓小平's theory, learn the party's line, principles, policies, and resolutions, learn the basic knowledge of the party, study science, culture, and business knowledge, and strive to improve the people. The ability to serve. In the actual work, guided by the spirit of the 16th Party Congress, we will work hard to implement the "three represents", consciously accept the help of party members and the public, strive to overcome our own shortcomings, make up for the shortcomings, work hard, and strictly demand ourselves with the standards of party members. Enrich yourself and improve yourself. Strive for an early ideological and then join the party in the organization.

Today, I once again solemnly submitted an application to the party: I volunteered to join China, support the party’s program, abide by the party’s charter, fulfill party members’ obligations, implement party decisions, and strictly observe party discipline. Secrets, loyalty to the party, active work, struggle for communism for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, never to rebel. Ask the party organization to test me in practice!

Applicant: Wang Wei

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