Party and group related > Employees' application for party membership

Application for joining the party (starting from the personal case to join the party)

Dear party organization:

In my childhood, I often sang songs that praised the party, such as "There is no new China without the Communist Party", "Party, dear mother"... Although I don’t understand the meaning of the song, it may be beautiful. The melody attracted me. With the increase of age, the family's teaching and school education made me gradually understand the party and gradually understood the meaning of the lyrics. My parents are old party members and have deep feelings for the party. They have heard and accepted the party’s enlightenment education. The many years of education and training of the school teachers have given me a comprehensive understanding of the party's knowledge, the nature of the party, and the glorious history of the party. Especially since the four years of higher education in our university and the work, I deeply felt the greatness of the party. The sacred party.

I sincerely love the party. She is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the faithful representative of the interests of the Chinese people, and the core of the leadership of China's socialist cause. The ultimate goal of the party is to achieve a communist social system. Since the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1921, it has gone through a glorious struggle for nearly 80 years. In these decades, the Chinese Communist Party has grown from small to large, from weak to strong, from naive to mature. From the beginning of the founding of the party, there were only more than 50 party members, and several groups gradually developed to the ruling party with tens of millions of party members today. In the long-term revolution, four generations of party central leadership groups with Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao as the core were formed. As Comrade Jiang Zemin said, the party led the people of all nationalities in the country to make three major events for the progress and development of China's socialism: the first was the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal new-democratic revolutionary task, ending the history of China's semi-feudal and semi-colonial; The second is to eliminate the exploitation system and the exploiting class and determine the socialist system. The third is to open up a socialist road with Chinese characteristics and gradually realize socialist modernization. This major event continues to be done. The glorious history of the party is the history of the Chinese Communist Party for national liberation and the happiness of the people, the servant and heroic struggle, the history of the universal practice of Marxism and the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution; it is to uphold the truth, correct mistakes, overcome all difficulties, and develop continuously. The history of growth. The innocence of the Communist Party of China is a great, glorious and correct party and a strong core of leadership for the Chinese revolution and construction.

The reason why I want to join the Chinese Communist Party is because I believe in the inevitable success of the communist cause and I am convinced that only socialism can save China. Only socialism can develop China. Practice has also fully proved that building socialism with Chinese characteristics is a broad road to realizing China's economic prosperity and socialism. I am convinced that the Communists are thorough materialists and I will work hard in this direction.

I graduated from university in 1996 and have been working for nearly five years. Under the care and education of organization and leadership, I have deepened my understanding of the party. The brilliant achievements of reform and development over the past 20 years, thanks to the wise leadership of the great Communist Party, the rapid development of productive forces, the material and cultural standards of the people, the comprehensive national strength, the increasing international status, the national security, and the fact that the country is everywhere. A lively and vibrant scene. The Party Central Committee proposed to build a socialist harmonious society, so that the overall layout of China's socialist modernization construction, from the development of the socialist market economy, socialist democracy and socialist advanced culture, to the content of including a socialist harmonious society, realized four A leap in one. Building a socialist harmonious society is a major strategic measure taken by our party to adapt to historical development and changes, to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and is an inevitable requirement of China's economic and social development in the special historical period of system transition and social transformation. The inevitable requirement of the growing material and cultural needs of the people is the inevitable requirement for consolidating the social foundation of the party's governance and the historical task of realizing the party's governance. It is an inevitable requirement for the full implementation of the scientific development concept and the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way. In today's complicated international and domestic forms, our party is capable of withstanding various tests and having a strong form of control.

For example, in 1998, our country suffered a flood disaster in a hundred years. I am a Yueyang person. Yueyang is a hardest hit area. I have personally experienced this thrilling fight against floods. Under the wise leadership of the Party Central Committee, the people of all nationalities in the country are determined to be a city and heroic. Give full play to the role of the party branch fighting fortress. Where there are dangers, where are our Communist Party members, Communist Party members, the exemplary role of leadership and the fearless revolutionary spirit, inspiring and educating the surrounding people, many comrades have joined the party on the flood-resistant levees, and a large number of singers have emerged. And things. Under the heroic struggle of the Communists and the people, they successfully won the victory against floods, protected the lives and property of the people, and created a miracle that people are better than heaven. This all reflects the appeal, cohesion and combat effectiveness of our Communist Party. 98 anti-flood spirit, all the time to inspire me. Numerous facts prove that under the leadership of the Communist Party, there is no difficulty in fighting, and it is impossible to win. I also deeply understand that we can only make our country enter the ranks of the world's advanced countries as soon as we are closely united around the Party Central Committee with Jiang Zemin as the core and under the guidance of the party's various principles and policies. Our personal destiny is closely related to the destiny of the party. Without the leadership of the Communist Party, building socialism will be an empty talk, not to mention the personal future and destiny.

Since serving as the secretary of the Youth League branch, he has organized and led young people to carry out some healthy and beneficial activities and achieved some achievements. The achievement of any achievements is not under the leadership of the Party branch, and all activities can be carried out vigorously. As a secretary of the Communist Youth League, I should strictly demand myself, ideologically move closer to the party organization, and the quality will be aligned with the high standards. An exemplary lead role. There are many shortcomings in itself, political theory is not enough, and the level of business is not high. It is still to be improved and improved in the future work and study.

Today, although I have submitted an application to the party organization for joining the party, volunteering to join the Communist Party of China, and willing to fight for the cause of communism for life, I know that the requirements for leaving the party are still far away. Therefore, I hope that the party organizations will strictly demand me to promote me to make progress faster. In the future, I will strictly demand the standards of party members, consciously accept the help and supervision of party members and the people, and strive to overcome their own deficiencies, and achieve ideological and personal qualities. The standard of party members is to strive to become a part of the revolutionary furnace at an early date. Asking the organization to test me in practice, no matter when the organization develops and I join the party, I will make unremitting efforts for the party's cause.

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